Good morning everyone. Welcome to blog #5. Before I get started with this week's topic, I want to roll out a new feature to my blog; Geocaching fun facts. Not to be confused with Fun with Flags. This week's fun fact is oldest active caches. The oldest active traditional cache inside the city limits of Winnipeg is "Bison Castle Cache" GCJAG7, hidden May 28, 2004. Oldest active traditional cache in Manitoba is "C1BUA - cache 1n a builtup area"" GC21C and can be found in the town of Killarney. It was placed on February 5, 2001. I found this one in August, 2015 on a day trip with another geocacher, Auntie Mo. I got caught with my hand in the cache. Now for this week's topic, I'll be discussing the coveted, most sought after prize of all geocaching. The FTF or First to Find. Bragging rights to being the first one to find a newly published cache. There are a select bunch or individuals that will drive great distances t...