Good morning everyone. This week's fun fact is all about the CITO. Most CITO events logged by a Canadian is AnnieMaroo, from Victoria, B.C. with 50. Top American is RAGE XN from Northeast Ohio with 201 logged CITOs. Last Sunday was Earth Day. With that comes CITO (cache in, trash out) events all over this planet we live on. There was also a virtual souvenir from Geocaching HQ for attending a CITO event. Did you have a chance to attend a CITO event? Around here, there was three CITO events. One in Dauphin, Manitoba, hosted by Jabberwockyz, and two here in the city. Saturday was the first of the two events. This one was hosted by Jesterphox and saw geocachers team up with the Kilcona Park Dog Club to spread wood chips on the ground in Kilcona Park to make better walking paths in the park. This was the second year that the two groups got together. The wood chips were provided by the city. Registration began at ...