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Showing posts from May, 2018

Geocaching and Pokemon Go and Munzee

Good morning everyone.  This week's fun fact is missing in action, or a DNF.  As I went to do this portion of my blog, my main source, project-gc was down.  Hopefully next week fun facts will be back.  Keeping fingers crossed. This week I want to take a look at a couple of other GPS positioned games.  We all know about geocaching.  Using multi-million dollar satellites to find Tupperware containers in the woods.  Geocaching can be done in an urban setting as well as a rural area.  Getting out to the rural areas can be the most rewarding.  Sometimes it's not just the container that you find, but the trip, the scenery, the history you come across that makes it rewarding.  These are places you would otherwise not have gone to if not for geocaching.  You can find neat little parks in the city that you never knew existed.  Some of these are on routes that you take everyday, but you were too busy to notice.  I also find that th...

Geocaching and the Stats Guy

Good morning everyone.  This week's fun fact is all about events.  We all love attending events, or even hosting one.  The geocacher with the most logged attended events is determined2 from Ohio with 2,646.  Top Canadian is dadndaughter from Ottawa, Ontario with 519. Last weekend was the Manitoba Geocaching Association's annual general meeting.  This is where I give my yearly reports for treasurer and stats.  The financial report was my first time presenting as I completed my first year in that position.  I must say, it was an easy report and an easy position to hold.  I've also been the treasurer for my union local that turned out to be a huge pain in my backside.  The funny thing to all that is, I got paid to be the treasurer for the union.  Being treasurer for the MBGA is voluntary and an absolute treat to do.  I also keep my reports short for a couple of reasons.  First, long, drawn out meetings are boring.  Get to t...

Geocaching and Mother's Day

Good morning everyone.  This week's fun fact is a little sample of my annual stats report given yesterday at the Manitoba Geocaching Association's AGM.  From April 30/2017 to April 30/2018, 540 geocaches were archived in Manitoba.  The oldest to be archived was ""Back" on the Prairies" GCKT30, originally published in October, 2004.  Another significant cache to be archived was "Weather...or not" GCWP3Z, published in June, 2006.  It was found 1,496 times, making it the most found cache in Manitoba. I've known for weeks that today's blog would be published on Mother's Day.  It's only fitting that today's blog should be about Mother's Day.  How do I merge the two together?  Even now as I pre-type this, I have no idea how this blog will turn out.  This was the only way I could think of to celebrate all mothers out there. Some moms are very active in geocaching.  They take there young children out to experience and explore th...

Geocaching and SM66

Good morning everyone.  This week's fun fact should be a favorite.  The Canadian geocacher who has collected the most favorite points on all their caches is Tupper T. Turtle with 8,314.  The top American geocacher is WV Tim with a whopping 23,587 points. You're probably wondering who or what an SM66 is.  SM66 is a casual geocacher, a full time nurse, a full time single mom, and my girlfriend.  She knew of geocaching before I had met her, had an account, but never had a chance to find a geocache.  So I can't take credit for introducing her to this hobby.  My tales of travel, adventures and my dedication to a daily streak interested her (or she thought I was crazy) and we made plans for SM66 to experience what geocaching is all about. We decided on a day trip to Hecla Provincial Park.  This was in September of 2016.  I had never been to Hecla and neither had SM66.  We set off early with a minimum of a two hour drive ahead of us.  ...