Good morning everyone. Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians. Happy 4th of July in advance to my American friends. This week's fun fact is the cache with the most logged pictures in North Dakota. That would be "Painted Canyon Overlook" GC238GK. This Earthcache has 611 pictures posted so far to go along with 699 found logs and 118 favorite points. Last weekend I was able to attend the North Dakota Camping and Caching event at Icelandic State Park, just outside of Cavalier, North Dakota. I'm going to split the adventure up into three parts. This week is my journey to the event that took place on Friday, June 22nd. Next week will be part two, and the fun that was had on Saturday, June 23rd. Finally, part three, the farewell and journey home on Sunday, June 24th. I was made aware of this camping and caching event back in January with a conversation I had with GeoJangie via messenger. This event is an annual event and I had se...