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Showing posts from June, 2018

Geocaching and Camping part 1

Good morning everyone.  Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians.  Happy 4th of July in advance to my American friends.  This week's fun fact is the cache with the most logged pictures in North Dakota.  That would be "Painted Canyon Overlook" GC238GK.  This Earthcache has 611 pictures posted so far to go along with 699 found logs and 118 favorite points. Last weekend I was able to attend the North Dakota Camping and Caching event at Icelandic State Park, just outside of Cavalier, North Dakota.  I'm going to split the adventure up into three parts.  This week is my journey to the event that took place on Friday, June 22nd.  Next week will be part two, and the fun that was had on Saturday, June 23rd.  Finally, part three, the farewell and journey home on Sunday, June 24th. I was made aware of this camping and caching event back in January with a conversation I had with GeoJangie via messenger.  This event is an annual event and I had se...

Geocaching and Geo-partners

Good morning everyone.  In honor of Joshua, the Geocaching Vlogger's visit to Germany, this week's fun facts is all about Germany. * Oldest cache: Medieval View (GC26C) placed February, 2001 * Highest elevation: Die Geologie der Zugspitze (GC5FZ3M)  9,573ft * Lowest elevation (active): Der  Schatz der weißen Falken (GC3T13G) -696ft * Most Favorite: Lego - einer ist zuviel (GC13Y2Y) 9,276 points * Top hider: Graveraver 1,451 hidden * Top finder (with a profile): Landmaus 82,132 caches found. * Top daily streaker: kohlenpott 4,004 days As I sit down to compose a blog, I have a bunch of ideas floating around.  Either in my head, on paper, or in draft form here on Blogger.  One of the ideas I have is from a question I saw on social media somewhere.  Do you geocache with someone or go alone?  Just today, Cache Canada posted on their FB page, their question of the day.  "Do you have a regular cache partner or do you mainly cache solo?".  I...

Geocaching and Father's Day.

Good morning everyone.  This week's fun fact is all about my neighbour to the West, Saskatchewan (easy to draw, hard to spell).  *Oldest: Sask-cache-one (GC14F) placed January 7, 2001 *Highest elevation: SSGT Beautifully Hidden (GC1WX6E) 4,459ft *Lowest elevation: Athabasca or bust (GC2CE9Q) 679ft [and only found twice] *Most favorite: Westcan 7 Feature Cache (GC78ZAB) with 181 points [Sask-cache-one is second with 121] *Top hider: bennykidd - 780 *Top finder: scratch1 - 28,506 *Longest daily streak: hurleyanne - 1,639 days Happy Father's Day to all the geocaching Dads out there and even the non-geocaching Dads.  I am a Dad myself to two boys and I'm very proud of what they've accomplished so far.  They do have geocaching accounts, even though they (actually me) haven't logged a find in almost three years.  They have been on a few adventures with their Dad.  Sometimes it requires a little bribery to get them to tag along.  A visit to a video g...

Geocaching and Streaking

Good morning everyone.  This week's fun fact is all about the streaks.  Top streaker in Canada is carnigrewal at 2,897 days and still counting.  Top streaker in the States is Drjay at an incredible 4,145 days and still going. This week I want to look at streaking.  Streaking is the act of running naked through a public place as a prank, a dare, as an act of protest and is associated with sporting events but can occur in secluded places, like campgrounds.  That's not the kind of streaking I'll be talking about today.  Sorry to disappoint some readers, but I'll be discussing the type where you find a geocache every single day.  That's a little less daring than running around, naked as a jaybird.  Doing a daily streak looks and sounds easy, but is it really?  I have been asked by other potential streakers for any advice that will help them make it to their goal.  As easy as streaking sounds, it does require lots of planning and some strat...

Geocaching and the Giga weekend

Good morning everyone.  It's back.  After last week's DNF, fun facts has returned with most Letterbox caches found.  In Canada, that would be joce13 with 993.  In the States, it's Alamogul with 2,026.  A very close second is Ground Fox with 2,015. Last weekend was GeoWoodstock 2018 in Cincinnati, Ohio.  This year marks the first year it has been given the "Giga" status.  How did it become a Giga?  According to, a Giga-event cache is a geocaching event that is attended by 5,000+ people.  As I type this, 4,082 people have logged it as attended.  Giga-events are the largest of the event cache types and feature excellent activities for geocachers attending from all over the world.  How did GeoWoodstock get to be a Giga-event?  Giga-events must first be very successful Mega-events.  Geocaching HQ reviews existing Mega-events to see if they qualify for Giga status. GeoWoodstock is THE event to attend on this s...