Good morning everyone. The top finders of caches by a Manitoba geocacher on Christmas Day, as of this writing, was Peter and Gloria with eight finds logged. TRAG and Geocacher Ken (that's me) found seven each. For North Dakota, it was greeninfargo with thirty and MinotRanger with fourteen finds. How was everyone's Christmas? Do you sneak in a find or two between opening presents and being with family? Do you plan a big adventure? For me, it was the latter. Knowing that this year I'd be on my own, I wasn't about to sit at home alone. I could binge watch TV show after TV show, but I'm not really a TV watcher. I can almost guarantee that I'll be sound asleep before the second episode is done. Unless it's your cup of tea, being alone on Christmas is not fun. The first year I was separated, I spent Christmas alone and it wasn't fun at all. Having experienced that and knowing that I'm on my own this year, the wheels wer...