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Showing posts from January, 2019

Geocaching and #IheartGCHQ

Good morning everyone.  Normally I start off each blog with some random fun fact about geocaching.  This week will be a little different.  I'm going to include some fun facts within this blog about Geocaching HQ and geocaching in general. (the official geocaching logo) This past week was Geocaching HQ appreciation week.  It was the first year to show our appreciation and say thank you to the people at HQ for all the work they do that allows us to enjoy this amazing hobby.  Joshua the Geocaching Vlogger took the initiative to start this project.  I wasn't aware of this until after I had published my blog last week.  Last week's blog did fit in as it was an adventure that I went on with Auntie Mo to Manitoba's oldest active geocache.  We never would have gone to these places and experienced what we did if it wasn't for geocaching.  The idea behind the GCHQ appreciation week was to flood HQ with all sorts of thank you, we love geocachi...

Geocaching and Kildonan Park pt.3

Good morning everyone.  This week's fun fact is about caches found.  Specifically, geocaches in North Dakota by non-North Dakota residents.  JB from Manitoba leads the way with 2,579 finds (he ranks 3rd with North Dakota geocachers having found ND caches).  Sullisallers from Minnesota is next with 2,217 finds (ranks 4th).  d.. from South Dakota has 1,518 finds (sits in 8th overall) .  I'm sitting at 496th place among ND geocachers with 125 finds. This week is part three of my favorite park, Kildonan Park.  I left off part two at the Witch's Hut on the East side of the park.  Before we continue our journey South along the road, I want to mention another part of the park that's across the creek from the Witch's Hut.  The North Flower Garden.  Another popular spot for picture taking. (As I walked through the garden, someone was having professional pictures taken). (Clearly I had taken these pictures in early fall.  Right now...

Geocaching and Past Adventures pt 1

Good morning everyone.  Last week I looked at caches in North Dakota found by non-North Dakota residents.  This week, it's caches placed in Manitoba found by non-Manitoba residents.  This does not include those who have lived in Manitoba and have since moved away.  Olemaz from Saskatchewan has the most with 2,775 finds and ranks 68th overall.  tcummin, also from Saskatchewan has 2,587 finds and is 76th overall.  ArtyLab from the North West Territories has 1,950 finds and ranks 112th overall. Today I want to share with you, one of my past adventures.  I was going through some of my geocaching pictures when I came across a few from a particular adventure that I went on.  The date was August 2nd, 2015.  I wanted to go and get the oldest active geocache in Manitoba.  That would be "C1BUA cache 1n a built up area"  GC21C.  Joining me on this adventure was my geocache puzzle solving friend and navigator Auntie Mo.  We set off ...

Geocaching and the year in review, 2018

Good morning everyone.  Going with today's theme of looking back at 2018, these are the top finders of caches for the year.  Manitoba - Awol 3,193.  Canada - joce13 (Quebec) 9,778.  North Dakota - Butterfly_77 1,330.  United States - FeartGoblin (Utah) - 18,829 It's that time of year where we say hello to a new year (2019) and bid farewell to the old year (2018).  One thing you can't escape at this time of year is the look back at the year that has past.  Everyone highlights the highs, the lows, the funny and not funny moments.  I thought I'd do the same.  How do I want this to come across to the readers?  I would like it to be positive and entertaining.  That eliminates my personal life as it was neither.  Since this is suppose to be a blog about geocaching, I will focus on geocaching as a whole and where geocaching took me in 2018.  I can't guarantee that this will be 100% positive.  In fact, as I proof read this,...