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Showing posts from February, 2019

Geocaching and dating

Good morning everyone.  This week's fun fact is total finds in a single day.  For Manitoba geocachers, that would be JB and ruylopez who both have found 1,040 geocaches in a single day.  In North Dakota, that honor goes to bdvx with 455. This particular topic has been kicking around in my head for awhile now.  I wasn't sure if or how I could present such a subject.  What is it like to be a geocacher and single?  Since I am both, I can provide some thoughts and questions.  Oddly enough, it just happens to be Valentine's Day as I start to compose this blog.  I like to have pictures with my blogs that pertain to the subject.  Since I don't have any pictures that relate to today's subject, it'll just be random caches that I've found over the years.   (an awesome set up that required some head scratching to open) I have been asked by muggle friends if there's a dating or singles section in geocaching for the single geocac...

Geocaching and Kildonan Park pt 4,

Good morning everyone.  CITO season will soon be here.  Have you started planning a CITO for the Spring?  The Manitoba geocacher to have attended the most CITOs is dani_carriere with 22 attended.  Top North Dakotan is Former Hawkeye with 13 attended. This week concludes my walk around Kildonan Park.  I have to admit that I haven't been walking lately.  Temperatures and wind chill in the -40C range will do that.  Although I have seen some hardy souls walking around the park and some with their dogs.  We left off the last time at Rainbow Stage.  Right next door to Rainbow Stage is the outdoor pool.  It was classified as an Olympic size pool.  I'm not sure if it retains that distinction after renovations a few years back.  You can wade in to the shallow end and water slides have been added.  The wading pool in the front was removed and a splash pad inside the pool area was added. It doesn't look like much in the picture...

Geocaching and the Challenge

Good morning everyone.  This week isn't a fun fact, but a few goals I hope to attain this year.  It also plays off of last week's fun fact where I broke down my finds in North Dakota.  In 2019, I plan on reaching 200 finds in North Dakota (up from the current 125, or a 75 find increase).  Add 9 new North Dakota counties to my list (I currently have found caches in 9 counties, so increasing the total to 18), and attend at least 3 events in North Dakota. This week I want to look at the some of the challenges, be it a challenge cache, a personal geocaching challenge, or a challenge of our personal comfort zone.  We all know about challenge caches.  The other mystery type.  You can find and sign the challenge cache, but you can't claim it as found until you have completed the task required.  That task can be anything geocaching related.  Although, the challenge cache was put in a moratorium by Geocaching HQ for a short time while the powers tha...

Geocaching and avenging a DNF

Good morning everyone.  This week's fun fact is a breakdown of the caches I have found in North Dakota so far.  I have found: Mystery - 2, Virtual - 3, Multi - 2, Earth - 1, Event - 5, Letterbox - 0, and traditional - 112 for a total of 125 caches found in 9 different counties. One part of this game that every geocacher will experience is the dreaded Did Not Find (DNF).  The blue, unhappy face on your geocaching map.  Avenging that DNF, finding that cache you couldn't find before for whatever reason, makes that find just that more special.  That feeling of exhilaration like you just made fire by rubbing two sticks together.  Success.  You've conquered that nagging blue face on your map and turned it into a happy face.  I was able to do that with not just one, or two, but three DNFs in a single day.  It wasn't my plan to avenge these age old DNFs.  All three DNFs came on the same day and are part of the Headingley Co-operative power tra...