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Showing posts from March, 2019

Geocaching and March Madness

Good morning everyone.  This week we'll look at the top number of cache types found in one day.  In Manitoba, that honor goes to Kurt B, 4elements5senses, Bike4Me, and V.A. with 11 different types.  The most by any Canadian is 12 held by CanadianRockies, uboff, Safari Cachers, and scavengermonkeys.  In North Dakota, N0SND has 11.  Twelve is also tops across the United States, with no less than 43 different geocachers having done that. One look at the title of this blog, you might think it has something to do with the college basketball tournament that's on right now.  Nope.  Although I do like the bracket format of the tournament, I don't follow basketball at all, including the NBA.  At the end of my blogs, I have been updating everyone on my monthly challenge.  This is a recap (including pictures) of the adventures I had during the month of March. I'm finding that I'm not going out to find geocaches that often.  What was once an eve...

Geocaching and Past Adventures part 2.

Good morning everyone.  Today's fun fact is all about zombies.  The caches that have been archived, but are still out there to be found.  Top Manitoba zombie hunter is crackerjackie with 25 logged so far.  I'm tied for 11th in Manitoba with missionMode at 12 zombie finds each.  Top Canadian is Joce13 with 1,918 zombie finds.  Looking South of the border, top American is LCSM from New York state with an incredible 2,434 zombie finds.  For my North Dakota neighbors, Pine and Poplar leads the way with 11 zombie finds.  WhiskeySowers and novfrog are close behind with 10 each. This week I'm going to look back at another geocaching adventure I went on.  I sort of had plans to go on my own elsewhere, until I bumped into ShopCrazy and was invited to tag along with him and his boys in search of a few older caches and a zombie cache in the Southeast corner of Manitoba.  The date was July2, 2016.  The day started off with a coffee event at S...

Geocaching and Trackables.

Good morning everyone.  Going with today's subject; trackables, the fun fact is all about trackables.  The Manitoba cacher that has found or discovered the most trackables is =GeoJoe= with 2,781.  Second place is Peter&Gloria with 1,402.  They own an impressive collection of coins that I have had the pleasure of seeing and discovering.  I'm 12th in Manitoba with 689.  For North Dakota, Whiskey Sowers has found or discovered the most with 726.  She too has a very nice coin collection that I was able to see at last year's Camping and Caching event in North Dakota.   Last week in my blog, Geocaching and Pictures, I had shown a picture of the original "Grand Welcome" cache in Grand Forks and made mention that it is where I dropped my first trackables.  This is the tale of those two trackables and the rest of my trackables that I have. Majority (I'm guessing) of the geocachers out there have owned or still do own a trackable at one poin...

Geocaching and Pictures pt. 1

Good morning everyone.  This week is about those who have completed their 365 day found calendar multiple times or loops.  The top looper for Manitoba is JB who has completed the calendar 15 times and is almost done his 16th loop (I count about 19 more days with 15 finds left before his next loop is complete).  I'm ninth in the province with 4 loops complete with 40 more days with a minimum of 4 finds.  In North Dakota, Former Hawkeye is the leader with 2 loops complete and about 24 more days of 2 finds before completing his 3rd loop. Before I begin, I want to give a special shoutout to Cache The Line.  Some may know him by his geocaching name, thebruce0.  He is a Canadian geocacher and vlogger who puts out some amazing geocaching videos of some epic journeys and finds.  You can find his YouTube channel here >   You can also be a Patreon member as well.  I just joined and I'...

Geocaching and the Staycay

Good morning everyone.  This week is about souvenirs.  Top collector of souvenirs in North Dakota is gnies and MinotRanger with 146 each.  Top Manitoban is dani_carriere with 202.  I am currently 57th in Manitoba with 102.  For those that know me will know that I don't really care about souvenirs anymore, except for new places that I have cached in.  That is one stat that I won't be going out of my way to work on.  On to a more positive subject, this week's blog topic. For those that are not familiar with the term "staycay", it's basically a vacation but you don't go anywhere.  You stay home.  I usually take a week off in the Winter.  What does a geocacher do when they have a week off with no real plans other than some errands?  Do some geocaching of course.  Anyone who knows me knows I like to have goals to shoot for.  For this particular week, it's to boost my February finds.  It's the only month now with few...