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Showing posts from April, 2019

Geocaching and the Adventure Lab

Good morning everyone.  This week's fun fact is all about that ghostly geocaching icon; the Virtual.  There are 272 Virtual caches in Canada, with Ontario leading the way with 65.  Across the border, there are 4,355 Virtual caches.  California has the most with 579. Geocaching HQ has issued a special cache to select people in the geocaching community.  The Adventure Lab.  Just like two years ago when HQ brought back the Virtual cache and awarded it to select geocachers, the Adventure Lab is a lab cache.  Prior to this, lab caches were only available during larger scale events such as Megas and Gigas.  With the Adventure Lab caches, they are available to everyone, all the time.  One of these Adventure Lab type caches was awarded to the Manitoba Geocaching Association.  The MBGA put their heads together and came up with a ten stage cache that takes you to historic, but believed to be haunted places around Winnipeg.  "Paranormal Capi...

Geocaching and the Average Saturday

Good morning everyone.  County challenges.  Everyone is working on a county challenge for one state or another.  The top Manitobans with North Dakota county finds are Old Billygoat, JB, and Derivative with 53 each.  I have 9 so far.  Top Manitoban with overall county finds is Peter & Gloria with 1,107.  They are also the top Canadian with American county finds.  Eleven North Dakota geocachers have completed the North Dakota county challenge (53 counties).  Top North Dakota geocacher with the most counties found overall is MinotRanger with 466.  Top American with the most counties found is RW and VJ from Michigan with a whopping 3,125.  Google says there is 3,142 counties in total in the States.  They are missing one Hawaiian county and sixteen Alaskan counties. Today I want to look back on what can be an average Saturday for me.  The Saturday in question is April 13th.  I wanted to get at least three finds for the da...

Geocaching and Odds & ends pt. 3

Good morning everyone.  This week's fun fact is a little different.  It's all about geocachers who write and share their stories with everyone.  Bloggers as we know them.  There are plenty of geocaching bloggers out there, but how do you find them?  Aside from myself, there's GeoJangie, The Geocaching Junkie, Running Bereaved, Wheresjwo, Geocachingwhileblack, Shortyknits, just to name a few.  Where can you find all these people and more?  On a FB page that GeoJangie created.  Thegeocachingguild.  Check it out.  Like it and follow it. This week is just a bunch of random stuff that individually, wouldn't make an entire blog.  Tossed together like the leftovers in the fridge and I might have something. One of the things I'm hoping to do is purchase something geocaching related.  Not quite sure what just yet.  It could be a t-shirt, or a book.  I'll admit I have been eyeing a telescopic ladder for those tree climbing ...

Geocaching and Past Adventures, pt. 3

Good morning everyone.  Did you know that there are currently 65 Earthcaches located in Manitoba?  I have found 23 of them so far.  In North Dakota, there are 26 Earthcaches.  I have found one.  Yup.  1.  One is a lonely number.  It's located in Grand Forks. As a blogger, I have a few blogs started but not completed.  Ideas that are kicking around in my head and put down on paper so to speak, but never came back to complete the story being told.  These can come in handy for those weeks when I'm too busy to sit and compose something new.  This week is one of those incomplete blogs.  This one qualifies as a past adventure as it is an adventure I went on by myself last fall.  Let's jump into the DeLorean, set the destination date to October, 2018, and see if we can get this baby up to 88mph and go back in time. October 13th and 14th was International Earthcache Day.  Did you get an earthcache on either of those days?...