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Showing posts from September, 2019

Geocaching and More Random Thoughts.

Good morning everyone.  Top FTF streaks in terms of consecutive months with at least one FTF:  Top Canadian is TeamSigShark&Janski in Alberta who is currently at 130 months and still going.  Top Manitoban is JB, who has 94 consecutive months and also still going.  Top American is kablooey from California with 205 months and still active.  Top North Dakotan is archiedais who went 17 consecutive months of FTFs.  That one is no longer active. This week's blog was suppose to be about my camping trip last weekend, but I haven't had the opportunity to sit down and compose a proper story.  It is now Saturday morning and basically 24 hours before my next blog is to be published.  Problem is, I have nothing ready to be published.  That got me wondering about other creative people in the caching world.  I'm sure life gets busy for them as well.  What do they do?  How do they handle the time crunch to get new product out to their fo...

Geocaching and Community Day.

Good morning everyone.  How many days in a row have you gone with getting an FTF?  The longest daily streak for FTFs in Canada belongs to Carnigrewal with an impressive 94 days.  Locally it's klblue and Geo-Smart with a six day streak of FTFs.  I have a 2 day streak.  Down South, it's DrJay in Utah with an 85 day FTF streak.  In North Dakota, that honor goes to archiedais with a four day FTF streak. This week I'll be sharing my experience on a recent Community Day event that took place on September 15th.  What is community day you ask?  Community day is actually a Pokémon Go event.  For those that don't play Pokémon Go, once a month for three hours, a designated Pokemon will appear (or spawn) more often than other Pokemon.  There's also a chance you can catch a shiny version of that particular Pokemon.  A shiny version is basically a different colored Pokemon with sparkles around it.  Some people get excited about catching th...

Geocaching and being the Stats Guy

Good morning everyone.  It can be hard enough to get that elusive FTF, but to do it in multiple countries?  K-Romers from Nova Scotia has FTFs in 11 different countries.  Locally, it's Trove Chasers, Bike 4 Me, Morea 1821, and Kurt B with FTFs in 3 different countries.  I have FTFs in 2 countries.  In the States, it's g-o-cashers with 12 different countries that they have an FTF in.  WhiskeySowers in North Dakota can claim FTFs in 3 different countries. As some of you may know, I'm the unofficial stats guy for the North Dakota Geocaching Association.  Even though I don't live in North Dakota, I do feel very welcome by that community and my monthly stats report is well received.  I was the stats guy for the local association around these parts, but that role was being undermined, so I gave it up.  I don't need the drama.  At one point in time, I was doing the stats for both association.  In a way, I'm relieved that I don't do the l...

Geocaching and Random Thoughts

Good morning everyone.  This week's fun fact is all about your highest and lowest elevation for a cache found.  This is in keeping with Cache The Line's live feed he did earlier this week where he went to the top of a 100ft fire tower to celebrate one thousand subscribers to his YouTube channel.  You can see the replay here >  Cache The Line's video .  My highest cache found is 7,215ft above sea level.  I found this one four years ago on Sulphur Mountain (GC134E), just outside of Banff, Alberta. (me at Sulphur Mountain.  Smoke from forest fires in Washington State blew in that morning, hence the cloudy look behind me.) My lowest is tt-Toronto Queens Quay (GCA2AA).  I got that one two years ago while in Toronto for a union convention.  It's elevation is 174ft above sea level.   (what do you do when on a lunch break?  Find geocaches of course) It's been another crazy busy week for me as I have started the process of...