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Showing posts from May, 2020

Geocaching and the May Cache Advance Cache Crate

Good morning everyone.  With this being the 20th anniversary/birthday of geocaching, I'm going to take a look at some of the oldest and highly favorited caches in each State/Province/Country in this segment.  I'll kick things off this morning with South Dakota.  There are actually two geocaches in South Dakota that were hidden on the same day.  Cliffcache and Campcache.  By virtue of the GC code, Cliffcache (GC87E) gets the nod as the oldest over Campcache (GC87F).  Both were hidden on May 1st, 2001.  Cliffcache has been found 141 times and has received 58 favorite points.  Campcache has been found 251 times and has received 107 favorite points.  The geocache with the most favorite points is Granite Rushmore (GC33JW4).  An Earthcache located at Mount Rushmore, it has received 3,742 found logs and 761 favorite point. As I hinted at the end of last week's blog, I was hoping to be opening a Cache Advance Cache Crate this week.  It ar...

Geocaching and Pictures Pt. 4

Good morning everyone.  This week I want to look at the most extreme geocaches in Saskatchewan.  The furthest North is GC5APV5 at a latitude of N59 56.399.  It was hidden in September, 2014 and the FTF is still up for grabs.  Any takers?  Furthest South is GC29HR6 at a latitude of N48 59.941.  Located in North Portal, it was hidden in May, 2010 and archived in April, 2016.  Furthest East (and almost furthest South) is GC7RFTT.  A Wherigo located at the Southeast corner of the province.  It has a longitude of W101 21.751 (and a latitude of N48 59.976, almost as far South as GC29HR6).  It was hidden in June, 2018 and found three times so far.  Local cacher Bergmannfamily claimed the FTF.  The furthest West was an event held on December 31, 2018 in Lloydminster.  It has a longitude of W110 00.300.  Lastly, the oldest geocache in Saskatchewan is "Sask-cache-One" GC14F.  Hidden in January, 2001, it has been found 431 ...

Geocaching and the #USGeocachingHour

Good morning everyone.  Who hid the most caches in April?  Locally, it's edigerz with eight hides.  Next door in Saskatchewan, biology_geek hid 29 caches.  Going South, in North Dakota, Yorkiekid hid five caches.  RichN0HJZ in Minnesota hid 51 caches. For those who do not have a Twitter account, or have an account but don't use it, may not have heard of #USGeocachingHour.  It is a tweetchat held every Monday at 8pm Central.  Basically it's one person asking geocaching related questions, occasionally non-geocaching questions, and geocachers tweet their reply to the questions while using the hashtag #USGeocachingHour.  Who asks the questions changes each week and is open to anyone who wants to take a turn.  I even hosted the #USGeocachingHour once last year in a Canadian takeover edition.  To read more on the history of this tweetchat, you can check out Geocaching Jangie's blog from last year when she took a turn hosting >  #USGe...

Geocaching and Adventures with Dan

Good morning everyone.  Who was busy finding caches in April while the pandemic was going on?  In Minnesota, that would be TriggerMN with 677 finds.  Next door in North Dakota, abby_h had the most with 47 finds.  Coming back to the Great White North, 3awesomeblackcats topped all Saskatchewan geocachers with 101 finds.  Locally in Manitoba, AngelFreak racked up 517 finds.  I had 14 finds, which is good enough for 129th place in Manitoba. Recently I was asked to be a guest on Adventures with Dan's Cache Chat.  This is a fairly new podcast that Dan Hocieniec started.  I've never been a guest on a podcast or done anything like this.  I am a little excited and a little nervous as well. Before we get into the show, let's find out who Dan Hocienciec is.  Better known as Danhoc82 to the geocaching world, or Adventures with Dan on YouTube, he got started in geocaching along with his wife when they started to hike the trails in their area in 2...

Geocaching and Bird's Hill Park

Good morning everyone.  Have you found the cache with the most favorite points in your area?  Around here, that would be 'BIRD WATCHING....cacher style' GC48NC5 with 185 favorite points.  Yes, I have found that one.  I highly recommend trying that one if you haven't done so yet.  In North Dakota, it's 'FMGT: The visit Fargo-Moorhead Multicache' GC5KWCX with 213 points so far.  Yes, I have found this one too.  It's another geocache that I highly recommend if you haven't attempted that one yet.  Going next door to Minnesota, it's 'The Sword in the Stone' GC27N0W.  It has a whopping 782 favorite points.  No, I don't have this one but I might have to plan a trip to the Minneapolis/St. Paul area to get this geocache. This week I'm going to look at a Provincial Park that's located just minutes outside of Winnipeg.  Bird's Hill Park.  Designated as a provincial park by the Manitoba government in 1964, it covers 8300 acres (35.1 squ...