Good morning everyone. With this being the 20th anniversary/birthday of geocaching, I'm going to take a look at some of the oldest and highly favorited caches in each State/Province/Country in this segment. I'll kick things off this morning with South Dakota. There are actually two geocaches in South Dakota that were hidden on the same day. Cliffcache and Campcache. By virtue of the GC code, Cliffcache (GC87E) gets the nod as the oldest over Campcache (GC87F). Both were hidden on May 1st, 2001. Cliffcache has been found 141 times and has received 58 favorite points. Campcache has been found 251 times and has received 107 favorite points. The geocache with the most favorite points is Granite Rushmore (GC33JW4). An Earthcache located at Mount Rushmore, it has received 3,742 found logs and 761 favorite point. As I hinted at the end of last week's blog, I was hoping to be opening a Cache Advance Cache Crate this week. It ar...