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Showing posts from March, 2022

Geocaching and February 2022

Good morning everyone.  How was the month of February for everybody?  January didn't start off too good for me when I tested positive for the Omicron variant.  What will February be like?  I normally keep my personal life out of my blogs, since it's supposed to be about geocaching.  I have to share something that does have a ripple effect on the entire month.   It all started on February 2nd at work.  My boss came up to me and said he has to reassign me off of my floor as Human Resources is doing an investigation.  No information provided as to why or what.  After some adjusting of duties, I swap places with my floor support partner.  I'll be bringing supplies to Urgent Care instead of the 4th floor.   February 3rd:  My boss comes up to me again and wants to talk to me.  Does he have more information as to what is going on?  Nope.  He did just get off the phone with H.R. and I'm being placed on a paid a...