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Geocaching and Hakliva

Good morning everyone.  This week's fun fact is all about the favourite points.  Top 3 most favourite caches in the States are all owned by Geocaching HQ.  Geocaching Headquarters (GCK25B) - 3,998 pts, Original Stash Tribute Plaque (GCGV0P) - 3,357pts, and HQGT: Ode to the Golgafrinchan Phone Workers (GC32A0H) - 2,449pts.  In Canada, it's Table Rock Earthcache (GCMH1C) - 851pts, and Niagra Falls Virtual (GCABA1) - 725pts, both located at Niagra Falls.

This week I'm going to begin a series of spotlights featuring other geocachers, geocaching bloggers, vloggers, podcast hosts, anyone associated with Geocaching.  To get things started, I'm going to feature local cacher and YouTube vlogger, Hakliva.  She is a geocacher, hunter, fisher (wo)man, crafter, kayaker, photographer, videographer, baker, a little bit of everything.  What does the name Hakliva mean?
Absolutely nothing.  Experiencing a problem that many of us face when joining a website and you need to create a 'user name', but all the good names are taken, Hakliva was some sounds put together and eventually formed a word, or in this case, a name.

Hakliva first heard about geocaching while sitting around the table, playing cards with friends in July, 2009.  One of the friends was getting uncomfortable due to the fact he had trackables and geo-coins in his pocket, pulled them out and placed them on the table.  With curious on-lookers, he then proceeded to explain what these things were that was in his pocket and with that, explained geocaching.  That sounded interesting so they all went out to find some geocaches.  The first one was a pail in a tree which took some effort to retrieve (cheerleader moves as Hakliva describes it).  What captured Hakliva to the hobby was the fact that she walked that wooded area before and never noticed the pail in the tree.  Once she saw what was in that pail, Hakliva was hooked.  The next day, Hakliva borrowed a hunting GPSr and manually entered the coordinates for all the caches around her cabin.  Off they went and they found them all.  The very first cache she logged as found was "Steeprock Treasure Island #1" GC14NZQ, which has since been archived and presumed floated away during the flooding, (possible zombie cache floating around Lake Manitoba if it hasn't washed up on shore).

Hakliva would place her very first cache 2 years later in Steeprock, Manitoba.  "Hakliva's First Cache!" GC34BJG.  She now owns 40 caches, 33 traditional (2 have been archived), 2 Mystery, a LetterBox, a Multi and 3 Events.  One of those two that have been archived is her very first hide.  Found 22 times, Hakliva pulled the plug on this one last year due to an inability to properly maintain it.

February 12, 2012 saw the debut of Hakliva on YouTube.   She was looking for a creative outlet and has a passion for photography and making videos.  Hakliva watched other geocaching videos, but one that stuck out was a little known vlogger at the time, mngeocaching, better known today as The Geocaching Vlogger.  Hakliva saw that as something she could do, create geocaching videos of her own.  She has published almost 200 videos since then, chronicling her geocaching adventures, updates on her travel bugs, or cool stuff she's received in the mail.  She started off as strictly geocaching videos but has since adopted her personal life as well.  Her videos are published late Sunday mornings.  You can subscribe to her YouTube channel and get notification of the newest adventure.  Links to her latest adventure can also be found on the Manitoba Geocaching Association Facebook page.  Hakliva can be found on most social media forums.  Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for starters.

Just recently, Hakliva obtained her Pound Pro certification.  What is Pound Pro you ask?  Pound Pro is a workout that channels your inner 'rock star' with a full body cardio-jam session, inspired by the infectious, energizing, and sweat-dripping fun of playing the drum. (taken from the website).  Hakliva is certified to pound you into shape.

I'm not really sure when I first met Hakliva.  Probably at an event somewhere a couple of years ago.  I know I had heard the name as I search for and find geocaches in the city, "Ned lost his what?" GC36QQW, "A smiley on Smiley Road" GC3NZF1 (this is the first of her caches that I found), and I had one of her trackables travel with me (did some serious caching with Tiny Goodbite)

That's it for this week.  Happy Easter everyone.  Enjoy, Peace Out, and remember, Geocaching is suppose to be fun.


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