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Showing posts from May, 2019

Geocaching and Cliques

Good morning everyone.  This weekend is Geo-Woodstock 17 in Ft. Worth, Texas.  With that in mind, who has attended the most Mega events?  Locally, it's dani_carriere with 12 Megas and one Giga (I know she's at this year's Mega, so that'll be 13 for her).  Top Canadian is Jtee from Hamilton who has been to 36 Mega events and one Giga.  Across the border, top American is marlin01 from Auburn, NY with 76 Mega events and one Giga.  For North Dakota, that honor goes to gnies with 7 Mega events (I know he's at this year's event so that'll be eight for him) and one Giga event. There was a blog a couple of months ago from Geocache Talk that touched on geocaching being cliquish.  That topic has stuck with me to the point where I want to take a more deeper and personal look at it.  I'll be trying to portray both sides as equally as possible and let you, the reader decide if geocaching is cliquish. Geocaching IS cliquish:  It can certainly appear th...

Geocaching and Geo-pets

Good morning everyone.  How many geocaches have you found with the "Dog friendly" attribute?  According to project-gc, I have 1,516 dog friendly attributes and only 51 that are not dog friendly. Today I want to touch on Geo-pets.  Our furry, four-legged children that we take with us geocaching.  I think, for the most part, dogs make up the majority of the percentage of the geo-pets.  I haven't heard of anyone taking their cat or hamster with them when they go out geocaching.  Some include the pet in their geocaching name, and some simply use the pet's name as their geocaching name. I know of a few local geocachers that have taken their four-legged children with them geocaching.  Jesterphox has Ash and missionMode has Chewy.  4elements5senses created a series of geocaches titled "Walking with Karma" where her and her geo-pup Karma go walking.  There are many, many other geo-pets that accompany their geocaching owners on walks/hikes, i...

Geocaching and Another Saturday

Good morning everyone.  Who attended the most events last month?  These are just the regular events, not CITOs, Megas, etc.  Just a regular event.  For North Dakota, the honor goes to Tick_Magnet and N0SND with 3 events each.  Overall in the States, AnnScout from parts unknown (their profile says planet earth), and Oilbear125 from Oklahoma attended 17 events.  In Canada, fuzeebear from Alberta attended 10 events.  Locally, MarcoIslandGirl made her way to eight events in the month of April. This week, I want to look at another Saturday that has recently passed.  This particular one is April 27th.  When I woke up that morning, I was going to see if I can find five geocaches to bring my cumulative total for the day to eleven.  I knew there was three events taking place if I chose to attend any of them.  That would make finding five that much easier.  If I attended all three events, I really only need to find two caches instead o...

Geocaching and April in review

Good morning everyone.  Top favorite mystery cache in Canada is Ex Libris (GC4GZGB) in British Columbia.  Active since 2013, it has been found 722 times and has been given 282 favorite points.  Top favorited mystery cache in Manitoba is Water World (GC4MA6Y).  Active since 2013, it has been found 138 times and has received 99 points.  Top American favorite mystery cache is HQGT Ode to the Golgafrinchan Phone Workers (GC32A0H) in Seattle, Washington.  Active since 2013, found 7,313 times with 2,740 favorite points.  For North Dakota, Factory Outlet (GC576Q1) by trycacheus is the top favorited mystery cache.  Active since 2014, found 114 times and has 71 favorite points. How did everyone do for finding caches in April?  I found 41 caches.  Not exactly a big number like I use to do in the past.  Having my area mostly cached out will lead to fewer finds as I rely on newer caches to be published.  Last year, I did run out when I g...