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Geocaching and the December Cache Advance Cache Crate

Good morning everyone.  For this week's fun fact, I'm going to continue with a year end look, but at a random selection of countries around the world.  How many new geocaches were published and still active in 2019?  Cuba - 7 new caches, Columbia - 23, Argentina - 213, Egypt - 23, South Korea - 361, South Africa - 1,497, Finland - 7,516, and even Antarctica has one new geocache listing for 2019.  A couple of other African countries that I checked (Nigeria, Congo) didn't show any new listings.

After doing some errands on Friday, December 27th, I returned home to check the mailbox before heading out to sm66's house.  Usually when I check the mailbox (and I don't check it everyday, maybe twice a week), it's nothing but flyers, bills and junk mail.  Today, when I opened it, there was something staring back at me.  The December Cache Advance Cache Crate.  Since I'm about to head out again, opening the latest crate will have to wait until I get back.

It is now Sunday morning.  I put the finishing touches to my blog that's being published this morning (Geocaching and the Night Cache), and now it's time to see what goodies are inside this month's cache crate.  Fortunately, the boys game of Catan has been in pause mode since the other night so I could use the table.

First thing out of the crate is a sticker that will fit on a larger container, identifying it as a geocache so hopefully no muggles will think it's trash and remove it.  I do own a very large ammo can that I haven't hidden yet, so this will go on that container.

Next up is a multi-tool.  This is so awesome.  This item alone was worth this month's crate.  I did have tools with me in a previous caching bag.  None of those items have been replaced.  

To get a better idea of what is all involved with this multi-tool, I took a picture of the back that shows what and where each tool is.  I am so excited to have this multi-tool.  I can see it coming in very handy.

Next is a container with a log sheet and pencil (can't see the pencil in the picture).  I don't have many caches left as I archived most of mine.  I do have a couple out there and probably could use some maintenance.  I'm thinking 'Toys in the Attick' GC4Z26G might be the one I use this to do maintenance. 

I see a couple of trackables.  This one is a Christmas Tree.  I haven't decided what I'll do with it just yet.  I normally don't release trackables since they ultimately go missing.  I also don't go to events where trackables can be discovered.  

The other trackable is a Cachekinz trackable.  This is the first one that I now own.  I have seen them as Geocaching Jangie was part of the Cachekinz monthly club.  In fact, I was given one of her Cachekinz to release.  I did a little digging and discovered that it was picked up from the TB Hotel that I dropped it off in near Brandon, Manitoba and is still out there in Manitoba with the person who picked it up.

This is interesting.  It's a bag of Cache Advance Ground Zero Coffee.  I'm not sure what I'll do with this since I don't drink coffee and neither do the boys.  Maybe sm66 will be willing to give it a try?  I'll have to ask and I'm curious to know how it tastes.  I would do that myself but I never acquired the taste for coffee (I actually don't like the mocha taste, so anything that's coffee/mocha tasting is a no thanks from me).

Since it's the December Cache Crate, and there was two trackables that are Christmas themed, there was an extra bonus in the crate.  Candy Canes.  They didn't make it in one piece, but that's ok.  They still taste like candy canes and having them in smaller pieces works better.

That is the December Cache Advance Cache Crate.  I can't say enough how pumped I am to get that multi-tool.  Since four days have passed since I opened the crate, I decided to make the Christmas Tree trackable discoverable here for everyone who reads my blog.  All you have to do is enter TRC9X8 and mention where you're from when you do discover it.  Until next time, be happy, be careful out there (who remembers watching Hilltreet Blues?), hug your geo-pets, enjoy life (appreciate the area that geocaching has taken you), and most of all, have fun.  Peace out.

(It's not easy being cute)


  1. Don't you just break apart candy canes anyway? The tool does look interesting.


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