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Showing posts from September, 2020

Geocaching and Camping part 1.

 Good morning everyone.  It's off to the Sooner State this week.  The oldest geocache in Oklahoma is 'Pine Creek' GC84.  Hidden in October, 2000, it was found three times.  There is no log entry to indicate when this cache was archived.  The oldest active cache is 'Where Eagles Roost' GC272.  This cache was hidden in February, 2001, found 1,188 times and has 357 favorite points.  It is the third most favorite cache in the State, located West of Tulsa, near the Arkansas River.  The most favorite cache is 'And Jesus Wept' GC7051.  This virtual was placed in July, 2002 in Oklahoma City.  It has been found 2,549 times with 463 favorite points. Despite the pandemic's grip on the world, I was still able to take in a couple of camping trips with sm66.  We packed up her trailer and went to a park that I featured in a blog not too long ago.   Bird's Hill Park .  I have been to Bird's Hill Park on many occasions, but I hav...

Geocaching and the August Cache Advance Cache Crate

 Good morning everyone.  This week we stop in the Lone Star State for the oldest and favorite caches.  The oldest is 'Fritz Ritz #1 - Camp Swift' GC64BD.  This virtual was published in June, 2000 and archived in March, 2003.  It was found thirteen times.  The oldest active geocache in Texas is also the most favorite.  'Tombstone' GC62.  Published in September, 2000, this multi-stage cache has been found 2,821 times and has received 953 favorite points.  The second most favorite cache in Texas is 'Necropolis of Britannia Manor III'  GC2B034.  This mystery cache was published in June 2010.  It has been found 1,339 times and received 769 favorite points.  It has also received awards for overall favorite, best themed, and most mentally challenging. The August Cache Advance Cache Crate arrived while I was gone camping.  I finally had a chance to sit down and see what's inside that will get me outside.  The first two t...

Geocaching and Contests

 Good morning everyone.  It's off to New Mexico.  The odest active cache in that State is 'Open Speces 7' GC191.  This virtual was published in February, 2001.  It has 651 found logs and 138 favorite points.  The most favorite cache is also a virtual.  'Travel Bug Cafe' GCK21R was published in July, 2004.  It has been found 1,831 times and has 359 favorite points to date. There's one thing that you'll always find somewhere on social media, and that's contests and giveaways.  For the most part, all you have to do is like the post, possibly tag a few friends and hope that you get picked as the winner.  Easy peasy.  Some require a little more effort.  There are three contests in September that I'm going to spotlight, mostly because I've entered these ones.  I'm sure I'll also be entering in to contests on the Worldwide Geocaching FB page.  They always have a contest going, and usually for travel bugs.  You can find ...

Geocaching and Our Muddy Adventure

 Good morning everyone.  This week we visit Colorado.  It's oldest cache is 'Tarryall' GC18.  Located southwest of Denver, it was placed in July 2000.  It has been found 2,599 times and has received 1,111 favorite points.  It is also the cache with the most favorite points.  The second most favorite cache in Colorado is 'LoDo TB & Geocoin Hotel'  GC2KCRP.  Located in Denver, it was placed in January, 2011.  So far it has been found 3,380 times and has 708 favorite points. This week's blog won't be just me telling you about another adventure.  I am joined by sm66, who will be taking her turn at the keyboard to give her perspective and thoughts on this latest adventure that we went on.  To set things up, we just returned from a week of camping at Bird's Hill Park (more about that in the weeks to come).  As we had our dinner, the one thing we like to watch is a YouTube channel called Nuke's Top 5.  If you're into the...