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Showing posts from January, 2021

Geocaching and the February Photo Contest.

 Good morning everyone.  We're off to Illinois this week, home of "da bears", and The Geocaching Podcast.  The oldest and the geocache with the most favorite points is 'Beverly's  GC28.  Placed in May 2000, this cache has been found 3,789 times and has 1,573 favorite points.  The cache with the most found logs is 'Cloud Gate aka The Bean'  GCJZDR.  Placed in July of 2004, this virtual has been logged as found 8,501 times and has received 1,429 favorite points. It's time to wrap up the January photo contest.  First up are the entries in no particular order.  The theme was to find a geocache in the snow.  If you didn't have snow in your area, then what does Winter look like where you live?   First up is RMNP_SasquatchTeam.  That could have been me trying to cross a ditch to a geocache last week.  I sank in the snow.  Looks like the little one didn't. Entrant #2 is from KennyMasonMady.  Not much snow there...

Geocaching and The Sweethearts14 puzzles

 Good morning everyone.  Today we look at Kentucky for the oldest, most favorite and most logged found.  The oldest, most favorite, and second most found geocache is 'Tom Sawyer'  GC39E.  Hidden in March, 2001, it has been found 2,558 times and has accumulated 679 favorite points to date.  The cache with the most logged finds is 'Newport KY World Peace Bell Virtual'  GC653C.  Placed in June, 2002, this virtual has 2,867 finds and 516 favorite points. I'm going to take a break from featuring Adventure Labs for the moment.  That doesn't mean I haven't done any lately.  Au contraire.  I have at least four completed recently, not to mention a couple of others that I did but didn't take pictures at the time.  I want to retrace those ones and grab some pictures.  Today I want to talk about a different adventure I did recently. I was playing around with my stats page, looking at the fizzy grid and days found calendar.  One o...

Geocaching and the Transcona Adventure Labs part 4.

 Good morning everyone.  Today we'll be stopping in Tennessee.  The most favorite cache is 'Geo MOJO #6 in the shadow of the TITANS'  GCTGF0.  Hidden in March, 2006, it's located in Nashville and has been found 1,273 times and has 645 favorite points.  The oldest is 'LPS001'  GC132.  Hidden on January 6, 2001 (another cache that just turned 20 years old), it has 1,706 finds and 518 favorite points. Originally, when I did the Adventure Labs in my old stomping grounds, there was only three ALs.  Since then, a fourth AL popped up.  Today, we'll go on this adventure together.  Whenever I go back to Transcona, I can't help but look back to my younger days.  It's no different for this AL either.  Let's get started. This particular AL was set up by Sweethearts14, a married couple that live in Transcona.  They love putting out a variety of puzzle caches.   Some easy, and some that could melt your brain.  A flam...

Geocaching and the Year in Review 2020

 Good morning everyone.  Today we look at North Carolina.  The oldest and the cache with the most favorite points is 'Octopus Garden' GC70.  Hidden in September, 2000, this mystery cache has been found 2,590 times and has 1,006 favorite points. It's that time of year again where we look back at the year that was.  I bet there's a lot of people that are glad to see 2020 done.  I think we can all agree that 2020 can be summed up in two words consisting of eight letters.  "It Sucked".  Thanks to a pandemic that ravaged the globe.  It wasn't all bad.  I'm going to highlight some of the positives that happened for me this year.   (this was an amazing geocache that I found in 2020) Geocaching:  Did anyone else have a better year than the previous year for finding geocaches?  I didn't.  According to project-gc, I found 107 non-adventure lab caches.  I cached on 32 of 366 days.  That is the lowest number of day...

Geocaching and the January Photo Contest

Good morning everyone.  Today we stop in South Carolina.  The cache with the most favorite points and oldest belongs to 'Modoc Stash'  GCF4.  Hidden in December of 2000 (that cache is 20 years old), it has been found 1,470 times and has 618 favorite points to date.  The most found cache is 'Take A Break in SC'  GCA25E.  Hidden in October, 2002, it has been found 3,812 times and has 18 favorite points. Today I announce the winner of the December photo contest and tell you what January will be.  First things first, the entries.  These are in no particular order.  First up is an entry from MUDac.  She is one of the hosts of #USGeocachingHour.  She was doing an Adventure Lab when she came to one of the stages decorated with Christmas lights. The next entry is from KennyMasonMady.  He also follows the blog on Twitter, as does MUDac.  KennyMasonMady found some amo cans under the Christmas tree.  Someone was really good...