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Showing posts from February, 2021

Geocaching and the March Photo Contest.

 Good morning everyone.  It's off to Indiana, the home of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the Indianapolis 500.  The oldest active cache is also the most favorite and the most found.  'Indiana's First'  GC93 was hidden on October 23, 2000.  So far it has 2,937 logged finds and 935 favorite points.  It is located in the Elkhart area in Northern Indiana. This week I wrap up the February photo contest.  The theme was to have a picture taken of yourself or your geocaching partner.  Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry.  In no particular order, here are the entrants. First up is KennyMasonMady with his geocaching son Mason. Next up is Snappleandzarfle with her geocaching partner and best friend of over 25 years along with Snappleandzarfle's daughter. Our third entrant is from GeoJangie and her daughter, Sophia. I entered all the entrants into the wheel of names. Clicked on the middle to spin the wheel and this month's winner is......

Geocaching and the Mars Perseverance

 Good morning everyone.  It's off to Michigan, the home of Bob Billy the Redneck Geocatcher.  The very first cache placed was 'Hilltop  GC33.  Hidden on May 27, 2000 this cache was found 14 times before being archived in July, 2002.  The oldest active cache is 'Power Island'  GC35.  Hidden on July 16, 2000 this oldie has been found 1,241 times and has 610 favorite points.  The cache with the most favorite points is 'Geocache 612'  GC36.  Hidden on August 21, 2000 this cache has been found 1,970 times and has 775 favorite points. If you've been off the grid this past week, then you may have missed a big event in the geocaching world.  To tell a story properly, you should always start at the beginning.  The beginning of this tale goes back to July 30th, 2020.  That's when NASA launched an Atlas V rocket destined for Mars, carrying an S.U.V. like rover named Perseverance, and a small helicopter named Ingenuity.  Wha...

Geocaching and the Dad Jokes AL

 Good morning everyone.  We are crossing the border (at least we can cross since the actual border is closed) to a very chilly Ontario.  The oldest geocache listed is 'tazz' GC228.  Originally placed in February, 2001, it has no official finds.  One note on the log page claims they did find it and the owner believes there may have been a second finder.  That cache went missing and the owner replaced it in 2004 with 'tazz (GC228)' GCPDAE.  As for the actual oldest active geocache in Ontario according to project-gc, 'Deer Bait'  GC2B4 gets the nod.  Placed in February, 2001 (11 days after tazz), this cache has been found 1,267 times and has 345 favorite points.  The cache with the most favorite points is 'Table Rock Earthcache' GCMH1C.  Hidden in January, 2005, it has 6,016 logged finds and 1,028 favorite points. Looking at the Adventure Lab map for Winnipeg, there was one that caught my attention that I just had to do.  'Bring o...

Geocaching and the St. Vital Park AL

 Good morning everyone.  Today we're stopping in Wisconsin for the oldest and most favorite.  The oldest is 'Geocache'  GC3D.  Hidden in August, 2000, it was never found and eventually archived in 2001.  The oldest active cache is 'Pike Powder Hike'  GC3B1.  Hidden in March, 2001, it has been found 1,758 times and has 529 favorite points.  The cache with the most found logs isn't a cache per say.  It's an event.  The "Highway 100, 100"  GCPJEH was an event that took place August 20, 2005.  It has 3,450 attended logs.  For an actual geocache, 'Wash Day Blues' GC11Z06 has been found 2,106 times.  This cache was hidden in May, 2007 and has 30 favorite points so far. It's late on a Saturday night and I haven't even started writing anything yet to be published for tomorrow (Sunday) morning.  That usually means a 'Random Thoughts' blog, but I'll save that for another week.  I do have about six Adventure Labs ...