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Geocaching and the Dad Jokes AL

 Good morning everyone.  We are crossing the border (at least we can cross since the actual border is closed) to a very chilly Ontario.  The oldest geocache listed is 'tazz' GC228.  Originally placed in February, 2001, it has no official finds.  One note on the log page claims they did find it and the owner believes there may have been a second finder.  That cache went missing and the owner replaced it in 2004 with 'tazz (GC228)' GCPDAE.  As for the actual oldest active geocache in Ontario according to project-gc, 'Deer Bait'  GC2B4 gets the nod.  Placed in February, 2001 (11 days after tazz), this cache has been found 1,267 times and has 345 favorite points.  The cache with the most favorite points is 'Table Rock Earthcache' GCMH1C.  Hidden in January, 2005, it has 6,016 logged finds and 1,028 favorite points.

Looking at the Adventure Lab map for Winnipeg, there was one that caught my attention that I just had to do.  'Bring on the Dad Jokes in St. Vital'  I love a good dad joke.  My youngest, Mew Two, would laugh at them.  My oldest, d-2002, would shake his head and groan.  Sometimes, his reaction was funnier than the joke.  Anyway, back to the Adventure Lab.  This particular one takes us to family oriented locations in St. Vital, a suburban area in the South part of Winnipeg.

Our first stop is at a playground in a much larger park/greenspace.  I forgot to get a picture at the time I was there.  Unfortunately, it wasn't as green as the screenshot off of Google Maps.  The park is big enough to host a variety of family activities.  To the South of where this AL starts is a small hill for tobogganing and a small rink for skating.

Next up is the Louis Riel Library.  With the city under strict pandemic restrictions, the library was closed at the time.  Otherwise, this would be a busy place as parents bring their younger children to pick out books.  This library has also been the location for a few puzzle solving events hosted by local geocacher dani_carriere.

Our third stop is very close by and also closed.  It wasn't the pandemic that forced this splash pad closed.  It was the snow and cold.  Hopefully this splash pad will be open for parents to bring their children in the summer.

Stop number four takes us to a spot on a walking/biking trail that follows Bishop Grandin Boulevard.  It doesn't matter what season it is or if there is a pandemic, you will find people going for a walk, some are taking their dog for a walk (or is the dog taking the human for a walk?), going for a bike ride, or some other form of exercise.

If you read last week's blog, you will recognize the next picture.  It's the toboggan slide in St. Vital Park.  This AL shares the same stop as 'The Case of the Missing Nut' AL.  Both times that I stopped here for the respective ALs, there was parents and children sliding down an adjacent hill since the actual slides are closed because due to the pandemic.

You're probably asking "What about the dad jokes?".  You'll have to come and do the Adventure Lab yourself.  That's part of the attraction to this AL.  If I told you the jokes now, they won't be as funny when you do it.  Fear not, I'll provide you with a couple of my own.

When does a joke become a dad joke?  When it becomes apparent.

What do you call a fake noodle?  An impasta.  

That's all for this week.  Until next week when we go on another Adventure Lab, be happy, stay safe, wash your hands and wear a mask, hug your furry critters, but most importantly, have fun.  Peace out.

Sassy is checking out her new box.

Sassy and Tinks checking out the new box.


  1. Thanks for this! I immediately went to 'Tazz' and was enthralled. Put the replacement cache on a list for future stops. Interesting history there. Didn't know that.


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