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Showing posts from April, 2021

Geocaching and Geocaching Stuff

Good morning everyone.  Eight more States and four more Provinces to go in this twentieth anniversary look at some of the geocaches.  Today we stop in Pennsylvania.  The first geocache in Pennsylvania is 'State Game Lands #109' GC184.  Hidden in September, 2000, this traditional has been found 2,366 times and has 812 favorite points.  It is the second most favorite cache behind 'Raiders of the Lost Cache' GC2HN2H.  Another traditional, it was hidden in November, 2010.  It has 1,318 found logs and 841 favorite points. I haven't had much of a chance to do any geocaching this past week.  I've been busy emptying my storage locker and unpacking some stuff.  One thing I did unpack was my geocaching stuff.  I was able to sort through some of the items.  There is all the items I received from the Cache Crates last year.  I took what would be handy to have in a geocaching bag and started to assemble my bag again.   Then there'...

Geocaching and the First Quarterly Report of 2021

 Good morning everyone.  It's off to New Jersey, the home of Bruce Springsteen and Jon Bon Jovi.  The oldest and the cache with the most favorite points is 'gerbiL cacHe'  GCCC8.  Placed in November, 2000, this cache has been found 1,265 times so far and has 498 favorite points. I'm going to attempt something new.  That would be a summary of my geocaching during the first three months of 2021.  In order for me to have something to report, I need to get out and do some geocaching.  This is coming off the worst year for geocaching by numbers compared to previous years.  I can't blame the pandemic for it either.  Life got in the way, pure and simple.  With my recent move complete (the bulk of it anyway), I'm hoping to get out more.  I'm also hoping to get caught up on geocaching videos.  I was even falling behind in that too.  Let's see how the first three months have turned out so far. January:  I started off with ...

Geocaching and The Road Less Taken.

 Good morning everyone.  Just ten States and five Provinces left to go as we head into Delaware.  The most favorite cache is 'Your Key To Cache'  GC3DYYT.  Hidden March 5, 2012, this traditional was found 1,135 times and had 694 favorite points before being archived in October, 2019.  The cache with the most favorite points amongst active caches is also the oldest cache.  'Delaware 7{1}'  GC10A.  Hidden in December, 2000, it has been found 1,365 times and has 492 favorite points. It was moving week for me.  As I get settled in and unpacked, I decided that this week's blog will be a picture compilation of old barns, homesteads, and other old structures that you'd find in the rural areas.  Chances are that you'll have to get off the main highways and take the roads less taken, the less traveled highways and gravel roads.  Do you zoom past these as you head to the next geocache?  All of these were taken in the past six months...

Geocaching and the April Photo Contest.

 Good morning everyone.  Since we were in Maryland last week, we should pop in the Washington D.C., or the District of Columbia.  The most favorite cache is a virtual.  'The view of an "Honest Man"' GCEB2.  Hidden on July 1, 2001, it has 14,492 found logs and 1,637 favorite points.  The first geocache placed in D.C. was 'Rock Creek Park'  GC97.  Hidden in October, 2000, it was found 11 times before being archived in March, 2001.  It is suspected that National Park Services confiscated this one.  The oldest active geocache is another virtual.  'Capital View'  GCDE1.  Hidden a mere 4 days before the Honest Man virtual (June 27, 2001).  It has 10,252 found logs and 932 favorite points. It's time to announce the winner of the March photo contest.  Before I do that, let's look at the entrants. First up is Megs1973.  The whole family is sporting a Winnipeg Jets hat.  Very cool. Next up is Stonagal, also sport...