Then there's the other geocaching items that I have either accumulated or found. Buttons. I have more buttons than I realized. I added those to my bag. You can tell I just stuck them on the bag without much care. I'll have to fix that up.
On one side you'll find the round buttons from GeoJangie, Tick Magnet from North Dakota, Cache the Line, and a couple of other random buttons. The other side are all square buttons and all from Cache the Line. Here's a closer view of the buttons.
While unpacking, I came across a tag. I'm not sure where this had been, but I didn't recognize it from my pathtag list, so I tried to enter it and add it to my collection. Turns out it isn't a pathtag, but an extag. I don't have any other extags, so I had to create an account at the extag website. I also came across a second extag in my possession.
The tag on the right is from gloworm_77. She's in North Dakota. The other is from the Geocaching Network, the home of all the geocaching vloggers. Maybe The Geocaching Guild should have a pathtag for the bloggers?
Speaking of pathtags, I received the latest tag from Cache Canada in the mail this week. This is one of the perks for being a Patreon member to other geocaching content creators. I'll be adding that to my collection.
As I unpack and organize, I discovered that I have a small collection of geocaching business cards. Some are from other geocachers, some are just random geocaching cards, and one for an event that we're all waiting to take place. Hopefully next year.
I also have this collection of geocaching swag, mostly from Cache the Line.
The one thing I haven't found yet are my containers. I should have a bunch of preforms from archived caches. If they don't turn up, I'll have to look into purchasing a few, along with some bison tubes. I feel like hiding some caches again. The last one I hid was back in November of 2018. Plus I'm way overdue to do a maintenance run on the caches that I still have out there. Hopefully that will be my May project.
I did get out yesterday for a couple of finds. At one location, I picked up a few beer cans and other drink cans. I forgot to get a picture of it. I mention this as this week is the final week to enter the April photo contest. I'll be announcing the winner next week. Get your entries in. You can enter by email at or send a message on Twitter @thegeocachingg1.
That's all for this week. Until next time, be happy, stay safe, wash your hands and wear a mask, hug your furry critters, and most importantly, have fun. Peace out.
The view from my living room window.
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