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Showing posts from June, 2021

Geocaching and a Whole Bunch of Random Stuff

 Good morning everyone.  We continue East into the Maritime Provinces of Canada.  First up is New Brunswick.  The most favorite cache is 'The Hopewell Rocks Earthcache'  GC11F89.  As the name indicates, it is an Earthcache that was published in March, 2007.  There has been 963 logged finds so far with 263 favorite points.  The oldest is 'Beginners Luck? First Geocache in New Brunswick'  GC760.  Hidden in April, 2001, this oldie has 493 logged finds and 116 favorite points. For the past few weeks, I have been chronicling my week in geocaching.  This week, there really isn't much to look back on.  There is good reason for it too.  Let's take a look at The Week That Was: Saturday, June 18.  For those that follow me know I have started taking pictures of water towers.  I did an entire blog showcasing these structures during one of my moves.  I've added something new.  Grain elevators.  More specificall...

Geocaching and T.W.T.W plus more random thoughts.

 Good morning everyone.  Even though the border remains closed between Canada and the United States, we can still cross and visit the oldest and most favorite cache in Quebec.  The cache with the most favorite points is a Virtual placed in January, 2004.  'Tree within the Old City 17 Yrs Old' GCHKWJ.  Currently disabled due to construction, this cache has 4,154 found logs and 711 favorite points.  The oldest active geocache in La Belle Province is 'La cache du 13 Juilliard 1947' GC1143.  Hidden in July, 2001, it has been found 176 times with 67 favorite points. The very first geocache placed was 'Intraterrestrials Entry' GCBB.  Placed in November, 2000, this was the second geocache placed in Canada.  It was found twice before being archived in 2001 as ground zero is now a prohibited area for falcon nesting protection.  There was suggestions on having this cache moved and unarchived in 2013, but nothing came of that. It was another less t...

Geocaching and T.W.T.W. plus random thoughts.

 Good morning everyone.  Today we look at the final State in the continental U.S.  Maine.  Once again, the oldest is also the most favorite cache in the State.  'The Fort Williams Cache'  GC128 was hidden in January, 2001.  So far, it has 4,082 found logs and 719 favorite points. Since I moved back to Winnipeg, I have been doing a little more geocaching.  Not an over abundance, but an increase for sure.  So much so that I started doing a weekly recap, except when I'm doing the photo contest.  Not all weeks will be equally busy.  Some more so than others.  This past week was one of those 'others' type of weeks.  That leaves me with a small dilemma.  Do I leave this as a short blog or do I add some random thoughts at the bottom?  Let's look at my past week of geocaching first. June 5:  My main goal on this day was to walk along the Sturgeon Creek Greenway path and cap all the physical Munzees that are along th...

Geocaching and T.W.T.W. Avenging DNFs

 Good morning everyone.  It's off to New Hampshire today.  With only ten counties in this state, it's another easy one to complete the county challenge, providing there's a geocache to be found in each county.  Anyway... the oldest and most favorite geocache is 'NH #1 - Mines Follies'  GC9E.  Hidden on October 29, 2000, and adopted ten years later to keep this special geocache active.  As of this morning, it has been found 2,465 times and has 662 favorite points.  The cache description is an interesting snippet of the geocache's history. The week that was (T.W.T.W.) from May 29th to June 4th.  I actually didn't plan on avenging any DNFs, it's just how things played out.  Looking at my Day Found calendar, I didn't need to do any geocaching except for the last two days of this particular time period.  I was within reach of starting June with 6,100 finds.  That was something to get me out of my apartment.  This is how the wee...