Good morning everyone. It's off to New Hampshire today. With only ten counties in this state, it's another easy one to complete the county challenge, providing there's a geocache to be found in each county. Anyway... the oldest and most favorite geocache is 'NH #1 - Mines Follies' GC9E. Hidden on October 29, 2000, and adopted ten years later to keep this special geocache active. As of this morning, it has been found 2,465 times and has 662 favorite points. The cache description is an interesting snippet of the geocache's history.
The week that was (T.W.T.W.) from May 29th to June 4th. I actually didn't plan on avenging any DNFs, it's just how things played out. Looking at my Day Found calendar, I didn't need to do any geocaching except for the last two days of this particular time period. I was within reach of starting June with 6,100 finds. That was something to get me out of my apartment. This is how the week played out.
May 29: I originally had these three geocaches on my radar a couple of weeks ago on May 12th. That's when a new Adventure Lab was published and a bonus cache and I opted for that instead of these three. The first find was GC9AYPB. There have been geocaches placed here before. Sort of recycling the same location. After reading past logs, the hint kicked in and I soon had the cache in hand. Down the street from there is GC95JXY. A busy bike path with a pedestrian bridge close by. This is one of those hides that you don't see and when you do, it stands out. I did find it. I walked over the bridge to the next geocache. GC97W1N. A small park, but with plenty of muggles on their bikes, walking, or cycling. I did make short work of this one. Back in 2018, I had DNFd a cache along with Hakliva that was a couple of miles West of where I currently am. It has been found recently. What the heck. The container has changed since and today it's an easy find. GC7J23Y is now a happy face. 4 traditionals found.
Spotted this family out for a swim near GC7J23Y.
May 30: I had three more selected for today. They are along the Bunn's Creek trail and a nearby park. The park was first. While the skateboard park was busy with activity, there was enough trees and shrubs to shield me from them. GC9971C was a quick find. Now for a walk along the creek trail. I had to pass on the next one as there was two muggles sitting on a bench too close to where I needed to search. I'll go for the other one and hopefully the coast will be clear on my return. GC9A31V has previous logs stating how the coordinates are off, not easy to find, etc. I did poke around and walked in circles, but ultimately, I gave up on this one. I didn't log this as a DNF as I felt I didn't really look hard enough. Back to GC9BG50. Muggles are gone and this was a very quick find. Two traditionals of three for today.
A Wood duck swimming along Bunn'sCreek. Very colorful head.
May 31: This day did not start out well. I gave a half-hearted search for GC9BV2G and came up empty. I didn't log this as a DNF. A quick drive by for GC9C3KA, which actually replaced a previous hide at that location, GC95AR0. It's at a park with a play structure and it was busy, so I didn't even bother stopping for that one. GC9BHCW was another half-hearted search. It was here that my shorts snagged a nail and basically destroyed the back leg of said shorts. I almost packed it in right then and there. One my previous not logged DNFs from May was GC8VTPH. That cache has since been archived and has been replaced with GC9C43V. A quick find, but took me forever to get the oversized baggie out of the tiny container. Since I'm in the area, I may as well complete a multi-stage that I started a month ago. GC91XTF. First stage was easy but I needed help from the CO with the next two stages. That basically says what a rough geocaching day it was. The final coordinates wanted me to go to a particular spot, but something was telling me no, it's wrong. I head back to my car and that same inner voice told me to check out this spot that I'm passing. Found it. One traditional and one multi-stage.
Found it.
June 1: Nothing. I didn't feel like geocaching today. That means I didn't start the month with 6,100 geocaches found. It's just a number and it doesn't matter if I got there today or tomorrow.
June 2: Avenged two more DNFs. One official and one not logged. The first was GC93X8R. It's a tricky hide, but today that blue sad face is now a yellow happy face. Just to the North is GC8ZGQK. I didn't log this as a DNF and I should have as it was missing on the day I was originally here. It has since been replaced and I can add another happy face to my map. 2 traditionals found.
June 3 and 4. These are the two days that had fewer that eleven finds on my calendar. They both had six each. What to do? An Adventure Lab on both days? Or I can make two trips just outside of the city and finish off a Letterbox trail once and for all. Plus I decided that a goal for June was to reach 150 Letterbox finds. This would bring me to within two of that goal. I found five on the first day and got the remaining six the next day. I also bumped into another geocacher for the first time in I don't know how long. It took me going outside of the city to have that happen. Local geocacher dani_carriere was working the same trail but going the opposite direction. 11 Letterbox found over the two days.
I got an A for completing this Letterbox trail. 👍
Over those seven days, I found 11 Letterbox, 9 traditionals and 1 multi-stage for a total of 21. My overall find count is 6,108.
That's a look at the week that was. Just a reminder that the June photo contest is on. The theme for this month is to just simply find a geocache. You can send your entries to or message me on Twitter at @thegeocachingg1. Until next week, be happy, stay safe, wash your hands and wear a mask, get vaccinated, hug your furry critters, and most importantly, have fun. Peace out.
My view from the pedestrian bridge next to a train bridge as I walked to GC97W1N.
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