Good morning everyone. It feels weird not starting off with some stat about an old cache or a high favorite. I'll have to come up with something new to occupy this space. On to the matter at hand, the photo contest. First up are the entries for August. First up is FITO 81. He found a cache at Cala Reona in Cartagena, Spain. Next is MWDL with their 500th find on a mini power trail, just North of Winnipeg. Thank you to both entrants. Here are the prize package options the winner get to pick from. Prize package #1: a trackable medallion and a pathtag donated by Hakliva. You can catch her monthly adventures here > Hakliva Prize package #2: a trackable Christmas tree and a pathtag donated by Hakliva. Prize package #3: a Cache Canada trackable and a pathtag donated by Hakliva. I entered the names into the wheel of names... Gave the wheel a spin, and the winner is.... FITO. Congratulations. I'll...