Good morning everyone, In the past, I've always wrote about my geocaching experiences first, followed by an update on my weight loss. This month I'm combining the two since they were intertwined together somewhat. Now that the weather has finally improved, I can make good on one of my goals. Ride my bike more this year. What is more? I don't think I rode it at all last year, and I couldn't say for sure the year before that. The first thing I needed to do was buy a helmet. I'm old school when it comes to wearing a bike helmet. Didn't grow up wearing one (no one did), so why do I need one now? I'm not getting any younger and I should look after myself, and that includes wearing a bike helmet. Now that I have a helmet, I'm off to explore bike paths. That's another thing I didn't have growing up; designated bike paths. And while I'm out riding my bike, I might stop for a geocache or two or three. ...