Good morning everyone. Better late than never. I had started writing this with intentions of having it ready and published on the first Sunday of the month. I got pulled away and never came back to complete this. We've reached the half way point of 2022. How's your year so far?
Comparing numbers, I only went out geocaching on six days in June. Two of the six days produced some decent numbers for finds. One of those days was traveling down to the Pembina Valley area of Manitoba. This is situated towards the U.S. border. Myself and my caching friend, Auntie Mo, attended a Community Celebration event at a location that I didn't know existed. Thanks to geocaching, I now know about it and have been there.
This place is called Woodhenge. There's nothing wooden about this location other than the trees that surround it. You can read more about the creation of Woodhenge and the person behind it here > Woodhenge
My pictures don't really do the location any justice. Some of these boulders are massive.
I tried doing a panoramic view, but that doesn't really capture the feeling, the awe you experience while you are there.
I'm about an inch shy of six feet tall. Some of these boulders are just as tall or taller than me.
Auntie Mo is more interested in cool places and cool geocaches. What better place in Manitoba to find cool gadget caches than the Winkler/Morden area of the Pembina Valley. Two local geocachers have put out their fair share of gadget caches. JAB007 and Awol. Not all the caches we found on this day are from those two. There are a couple that are owned by others that are very deserving of favorite points.
You've got mail. An old Mac computer turned into a geocache.
A really cool travel bug hotel located along the highway.
One of Awol's caches. You have to figure out the combination to get the log book. I had the right idea to solve this and didn't know it. Auntie Mo retraced my steps and discovered what I missed.
Another of Awol's caches. I got this one last year, but I was with others that solved it. I couldn't remember how it was done. Fortunately, Awol was there watching, laughing, and providing hints as needed.
Geocaching Library by Hfriesen81. You're provided the combination to the first lock. Each of the 'books' inside have holes and only three line up to the numbers on the door. That's the combination to the second lock on the side that has the log book.
I didn't do any caching on my bike in June. I did manage to get a few rides in. One of the rides I was invited to was a cycling group that was hosting an ice cream ride. Starting at The Forks in downtown Winnipeg, we cycled to three different ice cream places for a treat. The ride itself covered around 22 kilometers, but I had cycled from home. For myself, I managed 33 kilometers for the day. That's around 20 miles. My monthly cycling total is around 112 kilometers or about 70 miles. I like going on lengthy rides. Preferably 20+ kilometers in length. When I'm on my own, I've started a habit of stopping here and there for a photo opp that includes my bike.
As for geocaching numbers: I cached on six days out of a possible thirty. Total finds are thirty seven. Traditional - 23. Earthcache - 1. Regular event, Community Celebration event, Mystery and Virtual all had two. One Adventure Lab for five stages.
My weight keeps bouncing up and down. If I'm not active for a couple of days, then the weight starts to creep up. I'm not burning off enough calories than I'm consuming. At the end of June, I clocked in at 224.8 pounds. When I started this journey at the start of the year, I was 241.8 pounds. My goal was to lose between twelve and twenty pounds in six months. I lost seventeen pounds. Six month goal has been accomplished. Moving forward, my next goal is sort of the same. Lose another twelve to twenty pounds, but in twelve months. Fingers crossed that hopefully I'll be around the 210 pound mark by the end of June, 2023.
That is June in a nutshell. There will be more adventures and bike rides in July. Considering that it's the 8th of July as I write this, I have been on an adventure and a few bike rides, one of which includes a geocache. Until next month, be happy, stay safe, hug your pets, and most importantly, just have fun. Peace out. ✌️
There's always just one more picture. Security cameras in use and might catch you signing this geocache.
This was after the picture of my bike on a path in the blog. The trails near the river are no longer flooded, but they're still covered in deep river mud. I was already scraping the mud off when I took this picture. 😳
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