Good morning everyone. This week's fun fact is all about the bicycle attribute. How many caches have you found that has the good for bicycles attribute? I have found 1,366 so far. I also have 10 negative or not good for bicycle attributes.
In mid-August, there was an event up in Steep Rock, Manitoba (two hours North on Hwy #6 on the shores of Lake Manitoba), hosted by local vlogger and You Tuber Hakliva. It was her birthday and she was hosting a couple of events. Friday night was a bonfire, Saturday was a bike ride and a CITO. When this was announced, I checked my calendar to see if I was available to attend any of these events. As it turns out, it's right in the middle of my two weeks with my boys, d-2002 and Mew Two. Attending was out of the question. I had relayed my regrets to Hakliva and left it at that.
When I was picking my boys up for my two weeks, my ex asked if Mew Two could spend the weekend back at the house as she needed him. Ok. Thoughts of maybe being able to attend were now possible, but I still wasn't really planning on going. During the week, I got a message from another geocacher, Bike_4_me. He was wondering if I was going as he was looking to car pool with someone. Since my youngest was already not going to be with me, what do I do with d-2002? I explained the situation to him and he decided he wanted to spend sometime with a close friend he hasn't really seen all summer. Looks like I'm going to Steep Rock.
The bike ride event was slated to start at 8:30am. Since Steep Rock is a two hour drive away, that means getting up really early and be ready to be picked up between 5:30am and 6am. I have enough trouble getting up that early just to go to work, but to be ready when I'm on vacay? Ugh. I haven't been on my bike at all this year. I'm about to embark on a 20km bike ride. Insane? Maybe. Aside from myself and Bike_4_Me, we were also joined by JAB007, Jesterphox and her geo-pup Ash, and the birthday girl herself, Hakliva. We were cycling on an old railbed that starts near the highway and basically leads to Steep Rock. Along the way, we found several caches, most owned by Hakliva. She also had five new caches ready just for the event.
The railbed was very rocky. I knew full well that since this was my first bike ride, I would have wobbly legs and saddle sores at the end. What I wasn't expecting was a bruised tailbone because of the rocky terrain we were riding on. I dismounted and walked the final 5 kilometers. The rest of the group did the same instead of leaving me behind. Ash was also getting tuckered out so walking the final leg was a good thing.
We finally arrived at Steep Rock Kayak & Canoe. A small burger joint on the beach where you can also rent kayaks and canoes. We had lunch, then carried on to find a couple of local caches and work on the Earthcache that is there. The rock formations are very interesting as you can see what time and water can do to rocks.
In mid-August, there was an event up in Steep Rock, Manitoba (two hours North on Hwy #6 on the shores of Lake Manitoba), hosted by local vlogger and You Tuber Hakliva. It was her birthday and she was hosting a couple of events. Friday night was a bonfire, Saturday was a bike ride and a CITO. When this was announced, I checked my calendar to see if I was available to attend any of these events. As it turns out, it's right in the middle of my two weeks with my boys, d-2002 and Mew Two. Attending was out of the question. I had relayed my regrets to Hakliva and left it at that.
When I was picking my boys up for my two weeks, my ex asked if Mew Two could spend the weekend back at the house as she needed him. Ok. Thoughts of maybe being able to attend were now possible, but I still wasn't really planning on going. During the week, I got a message from another geocacher, Bike_4_me. He was wondering if I was going as he was looking to car pool with someone. Since my youngest was already not going to be with me, what do I do with d-2002? I explained the situation to him and he decided he wanted to spend sometime with a close friend he hasn't really seen all summer. Looks like I'm going to Steep Rock.
The bike ride event was slated to start at 8:30am. Since Steep Rock is a two hour drive away, that means getting up really early and be ready to be picked up between 5:30am and 6am. I have enough trouble getting up that early just to go to work, but to be ready when I'm on vacay? Ugh. I haven't been on my bike at all this year. I'm about to embark on a 20km bike ride. Insane? Maybe. Aside from myself and Bike_4_Me, we were also joined by JAB007, Jesterphox and her geo-pup Ash, and the birthday girl herself, Hakliva. We were cycling on an old railbed that starts near the highway and basically leads to Steep Rock. Along the way, we found several caches, most owned by Hakliva. She also had five new caches ready just for the event.
(first find for the bike ride)
(A creative cache that Hakliva put together)
(Signing everyone in)
(Ash cooling off and getting a much needed break)
We finally arrived at Steep Rock Kayak & Canoe. A small burger joint on the beach where you can also rent kayaks and canoes. We had lunch, then carried on to find a couple of local caches and work on the Earthcache that is there. The rock formations are very interesting as you can see what time and water can do to rocks.
(Group pic at the Steep Rock Kayak & Canoe. LtoR: Bike_4_Me, me, Hakliva, Jesterphox, Ash, and JAB007)
(There are 2 caches on that island. A traditional and a multi final. A return trip in the Winter when the lake is frozen is in order)
(Studying the rock formations for an Earthcache)
We did a CITO on the way back and did pick up a decent amount of trash.
Bike_4_Me and myself stopped for a couple of caches before making our way home. There was a couple of stops along the way. Roadside Attractions. I didn't have the Sharptail Grouse in Ashern yet.
I have the next one. but the sun had gone down at the time and it was getting dark. This time, it was brighter and it provided for better picture taking of the Canada Goose in Lundar.
That was Hakliva's Birthday Extravaganza. We all had fun. Anytime there's geocaching involved and a group of people, it's usually a fun time. Until next week, be safe, enjoy, peace out, and have fun.
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