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Geocaching and Pictures part 3

Good morning everyone.  No fun fact for this week and I'll explain why.  I have been busy this week packing and moving.  Today (Saturday) was moving day.  This is my fifth move in five years.  This time, I hired a moving company.  It is now after 10pm and I can finally sit down and relax.  I knew what my blog would be about this week, just needed a few minutes to sit down at the laptop.  As the title says, it's another blog where I share pictures from previous geocaching adventures.  However, I thought I would switch it up just a bit.  Instead of cool containers I have found, these are pictures of sunrises and sunsets.  Are you up early enough and finding geocaches when the sun rises?  Do you stop to take in the beauty of the sunrise?  Or are you like me and are typically out geocaching later in the day and catch a sunset?

Another reason why I chose these pictures is a little symbolic for me.  The sun has set on a chapter of my life where the living conditions started out good, but ended up being absolutely horrible.  I can do an entire blog on what I had to put up with that would leave all of you, the readers, with your mouths hanging open in disbelief.  The sun is also rising on a new chapter for me and I hope this chapter will be a much happier one than the last one.  Fingers crossed that I won't have to move again for a few years at least.  I'm not sure where or how geocaching will fit in to this new chapter.

As mentioned, I'm not the type of person who will be out geocaching at the crack of dawn.  As I was scrolling through the pictures, I did find one where I was indeed finding a geocache when the sun was coming up.  I figured that Sunday morning was the best time to get this particular cache as it's way up a pole and a ladder is needed.  In the background is the construction of what is now Seven Oaks Arena.

Last summer I did a day trip from Grand Forks, North Dakota to Bemidji, Minnesota.  I stopped to grab a cache at a rest stop on highway #2 in Minnesota on my way back to Grand Forks.  I managed to catch the sun setting near GZ.

Majority of the sunrise pictures I have are taken either while I'm going to work, or already at work.  This particular one is on my way, as I was leaving Beausejour.   On the North end of town as you exit, there is an awesome spot to catch the sun rising and setting.  Also a good place to watch the lightning from a passing storm.

Sometimes I'm able to catch the sun setting while on a walk in Kildonan Park.  It was hard to get a nice shot without any tree branches in the way.  On this particular day, I'm catching the sun going down over a frozen Red River.

Depending on the time of year, I can catch the sun coming up while I'm delivering clean linen on my floor at work.  There is a conference room that faces East with an awesome view of the sun.  On this particular morning, the sundogs were out and very bright as well.

What I like to do sometimes is catch the sunrise at different stages.  You can see the dawn breaking up the night sky as the street lights are still shining.

Now it's getting lighter out with fewer street lights on but the signs from the stores are still lit up.

Another sunrise from work.  It's usually in the Fall/Spring that I can catch the sun coming up.  

Another sunset from Kildonan Park.

Another sunset as I'm walking around Kildonan Park.  This time I'm catching it through the trees with Rainbow Stage visible on the right behind the trees.

Sometimes the camera on the phone just doesn't do the subject justice.  In this case, it was a large sun that was setting.  I managed to get a shot of it while standing on Chief Peguis bridge.

I think what I like about sunrises and sunsets is the color of the sky.  Again, the camera on the phone doesn't do the subject any justice as it was more breathtaking to the naked eye.

As I was going through all the pictures I have, I came across this one.  It took me a few seconds to remember where this one was taken.  It wasn't even me who took the picture.  It was sm66 while she was at work.

Another sunset near a puzzle final.  I don't remember off hand which puzzle it was but it did offer a good view across some open field as the sun was going down.

As mentioned, I love the coloring of the sky and clouds when the sun goes down, or comes up.  I have joked that majority of the pictures on my phone are geocaching pictures.  Looking at all the pictures that I have of sunrises and sunsets, I'd say that what isn't a geocaching picture is probably a sunrise/sunset picture.  

That's it for this week.  Next time you are out geocaching, stop and catch the sun coming up or going down.  It is one of nature's best artworks and it's never the same picture twice.  Until next time, be happy, be safe, hug your loved ones including the pets, enjoy life and most of all, have fun.  Peace out.


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