Good morning everyone. Who doesn't like to find a large geocache? In order to find a large cache, we need someone to hide that large cache. So far this year, geocachers in Michigan have hidden 80 large, active geocaches. North Dakota is 35th with 4 new large caches hidden this year. Back here in the Great White North, the geocachers in Ontario have hidden 60 large caches that are still active in 2019. Manitoba sits in 5th spot with 9 new large caches.
Happy Winter Solstice. Today is the first day of Winter and just days away from Christmas. It's also a busy time of year for many people as they get ready for the holiday season with last minute gift shopping (that's me), finalizing travel plans, food preparations, and work parties. Last night was my work party. I didn't think it would last very long, allowing me to possibly do a night cache and being able to write about that adventure this morning. I stayed much longer at the party. Home is in the opposite direction of the night cache. Needless to say, I didn't do the night cache. Now I sit here this morning with nothing started for a blog. Not even an idea that I can quickly slap together to make something out of nothing in a short amount of time. Good thing I have plenty of pictures that I can turn to from previous adventures and trips. This morning, I present to you, another edition of roadside attractions, the animal factor.
Happy Winter Solstice. Today is the first day of Winter and just days away from Christmas. It's also a busy time of year for many people as they get ready for the holiday season with last minute gift shopping (that's me), finalizing travel plans, food preparations, and work parties. Last night was my work party. I didn't think it would last very long, allowing me to possibly do a night cache and being able to write about that adventure this morning. I stayed much longer at the party. Home is in the opposite direction of the night cache. Needless to say, I didn't do the night cache. Now I sit here this morning with nothing started for a blog. Not even an idea that I can quickly slap together to make something out of nothing in a short amount of time. Good thing I have plenty of pictures that I can turn to from previous adventures and trips. This morning, I present to you, another edition of roadside attractions, the animal factor.
This is Lundi the Moose. Lundi is located in the town of Riverton, Manitoba, just over an hour (maybe an hour and a half) North of Winnipeg, just off highway #8. This is part of a trip I took in 2015 to find caches North of Winnipeg and discover roadside attractions as well. The cache that was here has since been archived.
Squirt the Skunk. I first discovered Squirt by accident when I lived in Calgary back in 1991. Fast forward to 2015 and I'm taking my boys on a vacation to Alberta. Since I started collecting pictures of roadside attractions, I wanted to visit Squirt again. The cache located here is still active. 'Squirt the Sunk-BTTCAR3' GC34FT2.
Sara the Camel can be found in the Manitoba town of Glenboro, on highway #2, Southwest of Winnipeg. This is another 2015 trip that I did. 'Sara the Camel has one hump' GC14Q0P is still here.
'Great Canadian Goose' GC3K51M can be found in Lundar, Manitoba, also about an hour North of Winnipeg, on highway #6. As I go through these pictures, I'm discovering that I found plenty of roadside attractions in 2015. This one as well. It was late in the day and also the last cache found as well before heading home.
Earlier on the same trip was a stop in the town of Poplarfield, Manitoba. There was no geocache located here at the time and the caching map indicates that is still the case.
Returning home from my Alberta vacation with the boys in 2015. A stop in Moose Jaw Saskatchewan was a must. This isn't the same moose that stood here back in 1991. 'Welcome to Moose Jaw' GC4PC45 is located nearby, but we didn't have the time to search for this one. I wanted to check into our hotel in Regina before the pool/waterslide closed for the evening.
Petersfield, Manitoba is home to the largest Mallard Duck. I thought this was another 2015 trip, but checking the cache page, it says I found it in 2014. I must have returned in 2015 for the picture as that looks like the back of my old car on the right side of the picture. 'Duck Park Cache' GCYME6 is located here and still active after being hidden in 2006.
On to more recent trips. 2018 saw me returning from a geocaching event in Steeprock, Manitoba, about two hours North of Winnipeg on highway #6. A stop in Ashern was a must to get a picture of the largest Sharptail Grouse. The cache located nearby is 'Ashern's Splash into Caching' GC12M38, hidden in 2007.
I had a few stops on my return home from the North Dakota Caching and Camping event this year. One was in the town of Steele, North Dakota. Sandy, the largest Sandhill Crane can be found here. What I couldn't find was 'Sandy' GC15ET6. It was missing at the time, but has since been replaced and is being found again.
Before stopping in Steele, I had to stop in New Salem, North Dakota to see Salem Sue, the largest Holstein cow. There are two caches located nearby. 'Salem Sue - Talking Trail' GC89MG0 (I found this one), and 'Sue Moo Motel' GC1BBR9 (I forgot to stop for this one). Salem Sue is easily seen as you travel along Interstate 94.
That's all the pictures that I could quickly find this morning. After Monday, I'll be on vacation for two weeks. One of my plans for those two weeks is to do some writing and maybe an adventure or two. Until next week, be happy, be safe, enjoy life, hug your geo-pets, have fun, and Merry Christmas. Peace out.
(pay attention to me, not the football game)
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