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Showing posts from October, 2020

Geocaching and the Memory Lane promotion

 Good morning everyone.  Today we stop off in North Dakota, my neighbor to the South.  The oldest geocache, or the first one placed anyway, was 'Red River of the North #1' GC4C6.  Placed in March, 2001 just north of Fargo.  It was found 63 times before being archived in March, 2004.  The oldest active geocache is 'The Buck Stops Here!'  GC551.  Also hidden in March, 2001, it has been found 1,060 times and has 159 favorite points to date.  The last three people to find it was Kneel More, Merlin 1392, and Halemeister.  Halemeister has promised a video on his YouTube channel soon.  You can catch it here when he does publish it >  Geocaching with Halemeister   Maybe Kneel More will have a video as well.  You can find his channel here >  Kneel More   I found this cache, which is located on the east side of Bismarck n 2019.  The most favorite geocache is 'FMGT The Visit Fargo-Moorhead Multicache' GC5KWC...

Geocaching and the September Cache Advance Cache Crate

 Good morning everyone.  This week we are headed North to South (I couldn't resist doing that) Dakota.  The oldest cache in South Dakota is 'SD #1' GC3E5.  Hidden in March, 2001, it was found 8 times, recieved 1 favorite point before being archived in February, 2009.  The oldest active cache, by virtue of GC code is 'CLIFFCACHE' GC87E.  Hidden on May 1st, 2001, this cache has been found 157 times and has 68 favorite points.  The other cache that was hidden on the same day is 'Campcache'  GC87F.  This one has been found 265 times and has 117 favorite points.  The geocache with the most favorite points is 'Granite Rushmore'  GC33JW4.  This Earthcache was placed in September, 2011.  To date, it has 3,897 found logs and 801 favorite points.  I have been to Mt. Rushmore, but that was in 2007.  Before this Earthcache was placed and before I started geocaching.  I would love to return someday. Last week I received ...

Geocaching and the Adventure Lab

 Good morning everyone.  Continuing up the central plains area, we stop in Nebraska.  The oldest geocache is 'Cunningham 1' GC3AD.  Hidden in March, 2001, it was found 83 times before being archived in May, 2005.  It also never received any favorite points.  The oldest active cache in Nebraska is also the most favorite.  'GO BIG RED' GC943, was hidden in May, 2001.  It has been found 1,831 times nd has 516 favorite points to date.  It is located between the cities of Lincoln and Omaha. A couple of years ago, I did a four part series of blogs on one of my favorite parks to go walking in.  Kildonan Park.  I have to admit that I haven't been walking in the park very much this past year.  Life has taken me in a different direction.  I do still enjoy the walk when I do go.  On this particular day, I had taken time off work for a special occasion.  It was my oldest boy's graduation from high school.  This should h...

Geocaching and Camping part 2

 Good morning everyone.  This week, we are off to Kansas for the oldest and most favorite caches.  The oldest cache is also the most favorite cache in the State.  Maybe you have heard of this geocache before.  'Mingo' GC30.  The oldest active geocache in the world is located in Kansas.  Placed May 11, 2000, it has been found 7,808 times and has 2,982 favorite points.  The second most favorite cache in Kansas only has 975 favorite points.  That would be 'There's A Bug On The Bump On The Log' GC4K4QN.  Hidden in August, 2013, and it has been found 2,772 times. Last week I left off at the conclusion of the first week of my camping trip.  As mentioned, we did a spur of the moment planning of a second camping trip.  There was a spot available for the dates we wanted to go and sm66 had the time off.  All that was needed was for me to get the time off from work.  If I couldn't get the time off, then I'd be going to work from...