Good morning everyone. Continuing up the central plains area, we stop in Nebraska. The oldest geocache is 'Cunningham 1' GC3AD. Hidden in March, 2001, it was found 83 times before being archived in May, 2005. It also never received any favorite points. The oldest active cache in Nebraska is also the most favorite. 'GO BIG RED' GC943, was hidden in May, 2001. It has been found 1,831 times nd has 516 favorite points to date. It is located between the cities of Lincoln and Omaha.
A couple of years ago, I did a four part series of blogs on one of my favorite parks to go walking in. Kildonan Park. I have to admit that I haven't been walking in the park very much this past year. Life has taken me in a different direction. I do still enjoy the walk when I do go. On this particular day, I had taken time off work for a special occasion. It was my oldest boy's graduation from high school. This should have happened in June, but with Covid and the restrictions on public gatherings, his grad was delayed until September. That would be in the morning. I also had a physio appointment in the afternoon (I sprained my wrist at work back in June). There was enough time to kill in between the grad and my appointment that I opted to go to Kildonan Park which happens to be close by. Local cachers Peter&Gloria activated their second Adventure Lab cache in Kildonan Park. It was a nice enough day that I chose to do this.
Before I start my walk and the Adventure Lab, I need to eat. I find an empty picnic table, sit and enjoy my breakfast. My first meal of the day is at noon and it's my breakfast. There I am, at a picnic table, enjoying a bowl of cereal and a yogurt. Now that I had some sustenance, it's time for a walk around the park. It was a good day for a walk as I caught the changing colors of summer and fall blending together. There are a few flower gardens located in the park. The first stage I did on this five stage Adventure Lab was at the front flower garden. I obtained the necessary information to get the correct answer and moved on with my walk.
(the front flower garden)
I had to do a little circling around at this point. The next stage was another flower garden, known as the North Flower Garden. Just like the front flower garden, this is a popular place to come and have pictures taken. Many grad and wedding pictures have been taken here over the years. With the third stage complete, it was off to Rainbow Stage, the fourth stop in the Adventure Lab. Rainbow stage is an open air performance theatre that hosts two productions every summer. Unfortunately, there was no productions this year due to the pandemic. The final stage of the Adventure Lab is next to the pavilion, which is also where I had parked. There are two monuments located just to the west of the building. One is for Chief Peguis, and the other for Sgt. Tommy Prince. The answer to this stage is somewhere at those two monuments.
I completed another Adventure Lab. I have said this in the past, I really enjoy doing a good Adventure Lab. I think Adventure Labs will replace WherIgos. Nothing against WherIgos as I enjoy doing those, but they are hard to get the app started, if you can get it started at all. That's it for this week. Next week I open my September Cache Crate. What goodies will be inside that will get me outside? Until then, be happy, stay safe, wear a mask to help reduce the spread. wash your hands as well, let your loved ones know you love them (pets includes), but most importantly, have fun. Peace Out.
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