Good morning everyone. Today we stop in Louisiana for the oldest and most favorite geocaches. The first geocache placed was 'Wilson' GC27D. It was placed in February, 2001 and found 29 times. It was confiscated (you read that right) by National Park Services in August, 2002 and archived shortly thereafter. The oldest active geocache is 'Wild Azalea Cache' GC763. Hidden in April, 2001, found 509 times with 200 favorite points. The most favorite geocache is 'View Carre' GCE02C. Hidden in March 2003, it was found 2,366 times before being archived in 2017. It had 928 favorite points. As for active geocaches, 'Marie Laveau, Voodoo Queen' GCGFHX has 519 favorite points. This virtual was placed in the French Quarter of New Orleans in July, 2003 and has 3,268 found logs. Back in September, Angie (Geo-Jangie), started a photo contest on her blog, with a winner chosen at random. I liked the idea since I'm always taking pictur...