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Geocaching and the Week That Was, pt 1.

 Good morning everyone.  It's off to Connecticut.  The first geocache placed was G32-2  GC91.  Hidden in October, 2000, it was found twice before going missing early in 2001.  The oldest active geocache is also the most favorite.  Another Brick in the Wall,  GCE4.  Hidden in December, 2000, it has 1,877 found logs and 520 favorite points so far.

After publishing last week's blog, I began to think about what the next blog will be about.  My mind drew a blank.  I do have Adventure Labs that I've done that I haven't written about yet.  Honestly, I don't feel like writing about that.  I do have other blogs that are incomplete.  Honestly, I don't feel like working on those either.  I want to do something fresh.  Since I  schedule the blogs for publishing on The Geocaching Guild, I have access to different writing styles.  There is no wrong way to present your story.  Some do a short, one or two paragraph entry with a picture or two.  Some, like myself, like to tell a story, but try to keep the story short and not have it turn into a novel.  One blogger who hails from the U.K. is Vangerover.  He chronicles each day that he finds a geocache into individual blogs.  You can read about his adventures here > vangerover  Since I've had a very active week for geocaching, I'm going to follow his model, but chronicle the whole week into one blog.  Hopefully it won't be too long.  For the most part, I tried sticking to a radius that was close to my route from work to home.  Without further adu, this is the week that was for me.

Saturday, May 1st:  After picking up some items that got left behind in my recent move and a visit, I returned to the city, but opted to come in from the East instead of the North.  The reason for that decision is that a new geocache was published in the morning and it's somewhere in Transcona, which is a suburb on the East side of Winnipeg.  I do the typical guy thing and not read the cache description  the D/T rating, nothing.  I recognize where the coordinates will take me as there was a geocache hidden in this general area before.  This new cache is 'The RUDE Flamingo' GZ9A7DP.

On arrival, I spot three other geocachers actively searching ground zero.  I casually stroll up and recognize one of the cachers who goes by the handle of Goldfinch.  The other two I don't recognize, but then again, I haven't really done much socializing, even before Covid.  I do recognize the names though.  Edigerz and Jaramien.  About three minutes after my arrival, the owners show up to make sure everything is ok.  They would be The Sweethearts.  They are awesome owners and are willing to help and answer questions about their hides and puzzles.  Soon the cache was found and replaced.  

(Searching for that elusive geocache while the owners look on)

Now it's off to another new publication.  It's a mystery cache, also by the Sweethearts.  Alpha-mingo GC9A26A.  I never even looked at the puzzle.  I don't need a mystery find for today, but since it was already solved by this mini group, how could I say no.  The easiest puzzles are the ones that someone else solves and you're tagging along for the ride.  The four of us must have spent half an hour searching and combing over a chain link fence that the final is hidden at.  Someone had reached out to one of the FTF finders (MarcoIslandGuy&Girl) for assistance, but we still couldn't see anything.  I reached out to Hakliva, our resident vlogger who was also FTF, and I got more intel.  As I read out the info, Goldfinch made the find.  It's one of those that are hidden in plain sight and you can't see it.  Once you find it, it sticks out.

We part ways and I go find one more on my own.  Down in the Dumps - Cordite Road Landfill  GC8RXYX.  The owner is edigerz, the same person I was just caching with.  It didn't take long to find this one.  I end my day with 2 traditionals and a mystery.

Sunday, May 2nd.  After informing Angie (Geocaching Jangie) that she won the April photo contest, I wished her a happy blue switch day.  Today is the 21st birthday/anniversary of geocaching.  HQ is offering another souvenir for finding a geocache anytime between May 2nd and December 31, 2021 to earn the Blue Switch souvenir.  I set off to find another of the Down in the Dumps series.  These are placed around former landfill sites in Winnipeg.  I made a wrong turn (I turned too soon) and found myself heading for 'Two of Diamonds' GC8PGAY.  I checked out the area on arrival.  The ditch was passable, so I made my way over to GZ.  From the description, I assumed I would be finding an ammo can.  Nope.  It was a decent size container.  That's my lone find for the day.  1 traditional.

Not an ammo can.

Monday, May 3rd.  My target was three geocaches relatively close together and not far from home.  First up was '360 over the Red' GC8PG5K.  This is on a foot bridge crossing the Red River.  I noted the last two logs were DNFs, and others alluded to this being a tricky hide.  After coming up empty, I contacted the owner, 4elements5senses for assistance.  While I wait for a reply, I'll go get the other two caches.  Merry Christmas dani_carriere! GC94AQ8 and Christmas Lights Tour (Elmwood to River East) GC944A7.  The first one is another themed series, wishing certain geocachers Merry Christmas.  I have found a few of these and all use the same idea for a container.  A Christmas ornament.  The second one I found wasn't placed back properly.  It was in the open for all to see.  After signing, I placed it back inside it's hiding spot.  During that time 4e5s got back to me with information on her geocache.  She is another awesome cache owner who will get back to you.  With her help, I was able to find the cache on the footbridge.  Today's total, 3 traditionals.

(My view of the river from the footbridge)

Tuesday May 4th.  May the 4th be with you.  Today I did an Adventure Lab that takes me around The Forks Market area.  Exploring the Forks by local cacher TRAG.  It was a nice day to walk around and I successfully completed all five stages.  Today's total, 1 Adventure Lab.  

(My view from one of the stages.  The junction of the Assiniboine River at the bottom flowing into the Red River).

Wednesday May, 5th.  Revenge of the 5th.  This would have been a good day to avenge a DNF, or get revenge if I had thought of that sooner.  Instead, I grabbed two newer caches that are also close to home.  Zzzzzz GC96HGN and Louis Bako River Landing GC90E3Z.  Zzzzz indicated that a TOTT was needed.  I arrived with tweezers in hand.  Wrong TOTT.  Back to my car to get the reachy stick.  This was a 3D container.  I think 3D containers are so cool.  The other geocache took me to a spot that I didn't know existed.  That's what geocaching does.  It takes you to places you wouldn't have gone to before.  Another quick find.  Today's total, 2 traditionals.

(Another view of the Red River, this time with the downtown skyline in the background).

Thursday, May 6th.  Today I headed over to Kilcona Park for three geocaches.  Stabby McPricklyface GC8W6FB, X Marks the Spot GC8DAAD, and The EastARRRRRR Tree! GC8CJEP.  Stabby was a quick find.  X Marks the Spot is a multi.  I do the typical guy thing and not read the geocache description.  That doesn't get me very far.  When I do read the description and do the stages properly, I was able to find the final.  Little did I know while wandering around lost (actually I'm geocaching), I came very close to the final and didn't know it.  All three of these geocaches are pirate themed.  The last one, is also a tribute to the geocache that did exist there before.  It was a tree with Easter Eggs hanging from the branches and only one egg had the log sheet.  I found that one years ago.  Today it's decorated with skulls and treasure chests.  Today's total, 1 Letterbox (Stabby), 1 multi (X Marks) and 1 traditional (the Tree).

(If I had used this to start with at the multi, I would have been done quicker.  LOL)

Friday May 7th.  I finally make it out to the geocache I was originally going for on Sunday.  Down in the Dumps - Summit Road Landfill GC941YF.  A quick find.  I attempted a puzzle final as well, but the location is near a business and I didn't feel comfortable searching during business hours.  I'll come back another day.

My week's totals for the seven days are: 10 traditionals, 1 mystery, 1 multi, 1 letterbox and 1 adventure lab.

That was my week.  Just a reminder about the May photo contest.  This month's theme is a picture of something blooming while geocaching.  Send your entries to or direct message me on Twitter at thegeocachingg1.  Until next week, be happy, stay safe, wash your hands and wear a mask, get vaccinated, hug your furry critters, and most importantly, just have fun.  Peace out.

These leaves will be bursting out very soon.


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