Good morning everyone. Today we are taking the Confederation Bridge over the Northumberland Straight to Prince Edward Island. The smallest province in Canada. 'Confederation Landing' GC2G0YM has the most favorite points with 250. Hidden October 1, 2010, this traditional placed in Confederation Landing Park in Charlottetown has 1,599 found logs, making it the most found cache. The oldest is 'Charlottetown Memories' GC1A17. Located just outside of Charlottetown, this traditional was placed on September 28, 2001. It has 977 found logs and 138 favorite points.
It's time for me to look back at the second stretch of three months in 2021. The first three months saw me claim 106 caches. Those three months cover January and February, traditionally the colder months of the year and the only two months with fewer than three hundred finds each. The second quarter covers most of the Spring months and generally an uptick in finds. Let's see how I did.
April: This was the slower of the three months as I was moving back to 'the big city' during the first week, with smaller loads over the following days and weeks. April did start with a milestone. My 6,000th find. I used the locationless GC8NEAT for that one. Overall, I found 19 traditional, 7 mystery, 1 adventure lab and the locationless for a total of 32 finds.
(6,000th find with GC8NEAT)May: As I get settled in to my new place, I have a little more time to go searching for geocaches. A couple of years ago, I use to set monthly goals for myself. I find that I'm starting to do that again. For May, I wanted to reach my 700th mystery cache found. I needed seven more to get that goal. The month of May saw me be the first to complete an Adventure Lab ànd get the FTF on the bonus cache. I had 64 finds overall for May. 25 traditional, 2 multi-stage, 5 letterbox, 5 adventure labs, and 7 mystery to claim my 700th. Goal achieved.
(700th mystery cache found)June: My goal for June is to reach 150 Letterbox caches overall. I completed the letterbox trails that are just outside of the city, to the northwest. That left me needing four more. There isn't four letterbox caches within close proximity of the city. I'm going to have to go over an hour away to find four letterbox caches to reach my goal. I really didn't want to drive that far. After some planning, I made the trip on my first day of vacation from work. I also thought about what my goal could be for July and worked towards that as well since I'm out in that area of the province. My June totals are: 14 traditional, 2 mystery, 14 multi-stage, and 21 letterbox. I got my 150th. I didn't do any adventure labs in June. That was on purpose. I'm saving those for later in the year when I need the numbers.
(150th letterbox found)Speaking of numbers, June became the first month that has a minimum of eleven finds per day, every day. I missed doing that in May as I wasn't paying attention to the day found calendar. Fingers crossed that I can add July and August to that list. Around mid-September becomes more challenging. That's when I need the numbers and Adventure Labs will help in that area. Another calendar I've been picking away at is the date found mystery calendar. I filled in twelve more squares, giving me 224 out of 366 days complete.
Overall for this segment of three months, I found 58 traditional, 16 mystery, 16 multi-stage, 26 letterbox, 6 adventure labs (counts as 30), and 1 locationless for 147 total. Considering that I have 157 total finds for all of 2020, I almost matched that in these three months.
Looking ahead to the third quarter of 2021, the summer months. As already mentioned, I'll be looking to fill in July and August with a minimum eleven finds per day. I hope to add a few more squares to the mystery date found calendar. What goals should I shoot for? One hundred multis found. I'm ten away for that one. Fifty Earthcaches. I need nine more for that. Maybe 800 mystery caches. I need 98 to reach that. There's plenty of geo-art to the Southwest of the city that I've barely touched. All reachable goals to get me out of my apartment. Hopefully it won't be too hot out. It would be nice if the covid restrictions lifted just enough so we can host events again.
My date found calendar. It's slowly filling in. Those winter months (December, January and February) will be tough.
Now for the weekly reminder for the monthly photo contest. The July theme is simply take a picture of a geocache you found. Easy peasy. You can send your entries to or direct message me on Twitter at @thegeocachingg1.
That's it for this week. Last week I teased about doing something different. A very few select people know what it is already. Next week will be the big reveal. Until then, be happy, stay safe, wash your hands and wear a mask, hug your pets, and most importantly, just have fun. Peace out ✌
I couldn't end without one more picture. There always just one more. In honor of Winnipeg being crowned Slurpee Capital of the World for the 22nd consecutive year, I had to get one. My go-to flavors are Pepsi, Rootbeer, and Cream Soda. Mix all three together and you have what I call swamp water.
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