Good morning everyone. The top Finds Calendar looper (how many times have you completed your finds calendar?) in Canada is jatmo from Ontario with an average of 38.99 loops on 26,832 finds. I currently rank 231st with an average of 4.93 loops on 6,408 finds.
Today is a wrap of the photo contest. Originally started by Jangie (Geo-Jangie) on her blog last year in September, she ran it for two months before exiting social media. I picked it up in December and have run it since. Today I present the final entrants to the final photo contest (for now).
First up is Stonagal. He is kayaking with his wife and son to find a cache placed in 2003 on an island in the Rideau River.
Next up is FITO from Spain. He completed his 365 day calendar with this find at Jadraque's Castle.
The third entry is from crivas, also from Spain. That's an interesting looking geocache.
The final entry is from MWDL. They found a very well set up TB hotel. I don't have that one yet. I'll have to make a point of stopping there the next time I go out and work on the nearby geo-art.
Up for grabs this month is basically the leftovers from previous month's contests. The winner will be getting this:
A trackable medallion and a trackable Christmas tree.
I entered all four names into the wheel of names.
Gave the wheel one final spin. And the final winner of the monthly photo contest (for now) goes to....
Stonagal. Congrats. I'll be sending your prize in the mail soon.
I want to thank everyone who participated in the monthly photo contest over the past ten months. There has been some amazing caches found and some amazing scenery as well. Sadly, the contest didn't live up to expectations. Some months was a struggle to get the few enteries that did come in. I made the hard (or maybe it wasn't that hard) decision to put this contest to bed (for now). You may have noticed I keep saying "for now". Like daytime TV, nothing is set in stone. I may resurrect the contest down the road, or I may not. The door is open.
That's it for this week. Next week I look at the third quarter of 2021. Where did geocaching take me over the summer? Until then, be happy, stay safe, wash your hands and wear a mask (the 4th wave is very real), get vaccinated if you haven't already (or choose not to, that's your choice, just like not wearing a seat belt in a car), hug your pets, and most importantly, just have fun. Peace out ✌
There's always just one more picture. I didn't get the FTF (I was at work when it was published) but still made the find after work. I wonder what a Geocaching scent would smell like?
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