Good morning everyone.
I continued this past week with my goal to fill in each day on my Day Found Calendar with a minimum of eleven finds. I took advantage of the unseasonably nice weather to fill this past week in.
Sunday: I needed four finds and opted to cache out the suburb of Windsor Park. The first two were caches I've never been to yet. Both were very quick finds.
Who doesn't love the fake bird house? When I have a goal to meet, quick finds like this are very much appreciated.
This is a unique container. Another quick find as I walked up to GZ. Next up was a previous DNF. This time I reached out to the CO for a hint. I had spotted something that made me go hmmmmm? I was on the right path and the CO confirmed that. This one took the longest to find, but it felt good to get that blue face off my geocaching map. The final cache for the day I was at previously. It was a Saturday afternoon and the nearby business was open with enough muggle traffic to discourage me from searching. Today, business is closed, no muggles except for some geese, and a quick find.
Monday: I needed four finds for this day as well. I headed to the Wolseley area of Winnipeg for three of the finds. The first was another previous DNF and one that wasn't on my radar this day. Since I was very close, I figured why not. I was able to pick up a hint/clue from a previous log that helped me to finally locate that one. This was followed by a couple of quick finds before attempting a newer placed cache. It was another quick find, but there was plenty of muggles around. I needed this find, so I wasn't leaving until my initials was on the log sheet. I walked past it once, had a small interaction with a dog owner who was letting her dogs run loose in an outdoor hockey rink. Spotted and grabbed the cache as I passed by the second time. Signed the log sheet as I walked around. Stuck it back on the host as I walked by a third time, and moved it higher up on my fourth pass. A lot of work for a cache that shouldn't take more than a minute to find, sign and replace.
Tuesday: Another day that I need four finds. This day saw me in the Southeast corner of the city. A newer development called Sage Creek. A couple of caches had DNFs on them already. I didn't spend much time searching for those. I focused on the ones with recent finds. Mission accomplished.
Fortunately for me, I didn't need to find any geocaches for the rest of the week. This week I was hit with a double whammy. The clock change works against me. As you can see in the picture, the sun is setting while I'm out. I currently have an hour and change of daylight to find geocaches after work before the sun sets. The second whammy is the Winter storm that hit on Thursday. Anything low to the ground could be under snow. Trails, such as the power trail I've been picking away at, may be drifted in and not walkable. Time to utilize the 'recently found' pocket query again. It helped me when I was doing a daily streak.
That's all for this week. Hopefully I will be able to fill in the dates needed for the coming week. Until then, be happy, stay safe, hug your pets, and most importantly, just have fun. Peace out. ✌
There's always just one more picture. Friday morning, about to go to work, or at least attempt going. The vehicle behind me is stuck (brakes frozen, how he got that far who knows) and I'm unable to leave. That's how much it snowed Thursday.
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